Friday, March 22, 2013

Jackson-March 2013

Dear Jackson-
Mommy owes you an apology, I got very behind on my letters and let almost 2 months go by without writing one! Sorry! so here you go- here is on in between Feb and March 28. You are getting to be a mature little boys- I know, it doesn't sound right?

You love to read stories before going to bed and during the day with anyone who will read them to you. You even enjoy reading them by yourself and looking at the pictures. Along those lines, you still enjoy school and tell Mrs. Rose a new story every morning at school. You seem to have lots of friends and say hi to everyone when you get to school in the morning and in the parking lot.

Sometimes you are becoming very independent- or should I say for Trish you are becoming very independent. You get dressed all by yourself for Trish- for Mommy, you still want me to help you. But for Mommy you will put your coat and hat on and run down to the car, you and Shane still fight for the spot behind Daddy or who ever is driving. You enjoy your swimming lessons- you are still a Penguin at the Boys and Girls club but I think you will move up to a Dolphin next year since you will get a  lot of time in the water this summer. And this winter you have loved your time outside in the snow- sledding and helping daddy.

Your newest adventure is playing legos with daddy and building things- you seem to love this just as much as you love talking about your cousins in Ohio! Nana still comes over on Friday's to take care of you and today you asked her to "Please make pancakes Nana" and of course she said all right my dear little Jackson. I'm not certain if spring will ever come but when it does you will be playing T ball and taking Karate! I am looking forward to seeing you interact with the other kids on the field.

I love you Jackson Reid. You are mommy's sun, moon and stars! I love all that you are!

Shane March 2013

Dear Shane-
Mommy has been behind with her letters! and I have missed almost two months, sorry! But not to worry you have been writing enough  letters for everyone! You have been writing letters in school- and while the letters don't really have text on them you like to fold the paper and draw pictures and put them in envelopes and staple the envelopes and send to your friends. You seem to be enjoying school quite a bit these days and Mrs. Rose gave you an excellent report at our parent teacher conference; you are progressing nicely at school and have lots of friends. Mrs. Rose reports that you like to play with all of the children and especially like to spend time at the fine motor table doing tasks such as letters, painting, taping etc. I had the opportunity to drop you of at school one day and you had a great time saying good morning to your friends and playing on the playground.

You are still a big fan of superheros- I think spider man is still your favorite but the Ninja Turtles would be a close second. Everything is spidey  this spidey that and Jackson is still into Batman. You also started playing with your legos and those keep you very busy- daddy built you a helicopter and you love the helicopter- you Cary it around with you like it was gold. Trish also likes playing Legos and has built you some cool garages and houses for your cards.

Your cousins remain a big topic of conversation, you talk about them all of the time and still like to talk to them on the telephone. In school you wrote a letter to some friends in Japan and you mentioned your cousins in the letter. You still like to play Baby Lion and I am the Mommy Lion. Aside from that ,you have 2 bags of "stuff" next to your bad that hold all of your things, from snappies to the Presents that you wrapped for yourself, action figures, legos and books- all stuffed next to you bed.

You little Shane are becoming quite the young man, I love you very much and you mommy's sun, moon and sun!