Thursday, May 29, 2014

Tree house ideas

Early this morning we were talking about plans and Shane showed me his blue prints for a race track. Jackson proceeded to draw me "Blue prints" for his tree house- this entailed a BIG fort with a diving board from the tree into a ball pit in the yard. They both liked that idea!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Memorial Day Weekend 2014

We had a great Holiday weekend. We visited with Mommy's friends from Quintiles and played outside at Kate's apartment, the boys ate a lot of cookies and drank a lot of juice boxes! Daddy took the boys for a hair cut:

Daddy took the boys to Snip-its so in addition to a shaved head they were able to spray their hair a color as well. Jackson went for the Red Stripes and Shane went for a full Red Head!

Yesterday we remembered Memorial Day with our friends the Cardinelli's- Jason, CarolAnne and Ryan all came over to watch the parade and have a Cook- out. We finished our day with a trip to Payson Park and then built legos back at the house. It was a nice weekend- 3 days seemed too short but that is what we got. In just 2 weeks our cousins come to visit and we are very excited!

Friday, May 23, 2014

Monkey bars & Ponds

 Hanging out at the pond with some friends (and snowball). Jackson - Batman shirt, Shane on the right.
 Dahlia, Jackson and Shane at the pond.

 Shane on the monkey bars.....
Jackson on the monkey bars....

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

I wish they could do this for Mommy!!!

Shane and Jackson sitting next to each other and eating lunch, they look pretty calm and happy! I wish they were that calm for me, most days when I'm home I have to separate them. :-)

Mommy still has a Christmas Wreath up in May!

Yes, Mommy still has her Christmas wreath up and it is May 13! that is because a few months ago when i went to take the wreath down there was a nest in it. I was going to remove the nest but decided to wait and see; then there were 6 blue eggs, now we have 6 baby birds!
I think my wreath is destroyed but I am happy that it is making a nice home for these babies!

Monday, May 12, 2014

Photos and captions beneath

This weekend was Mother's Day. These are the beautiful flowers that all of my boys gave me.

 The  best gift: hand made presents from Shane and Jackson.

 Shane's poster for Mommy- not sure where he got the sewing part but cute none the less.
 We went for Thai food to celebrate mother's day and this is the drawing Shane created and his little hand, he wanted me to take a picutre of his art!

Jackson's hand made art project for me.

 A few weeks ago Nana and I took Shane and Jackson to Symphony Hall for a children's concert, here is Jackson all smiles before the concert started. Each child received a glow stick to conduct and both boys are still playing with their glow sticks!

Art Lessons at the MFA- this was a paper mache project- I don't think Jackson participated but Shane made a great person.

 T-ball has started and Daddy is not only coaching the team, he is also sponsoring the team! Game 1 was pretty good, both boys played but Jackson did wander off to the playground a bit too much.
 Shane all smiles and helping the coaches place the balls on the T.
 Getting ready to bat. Shane and Jackson
 Jackson - ready to catch the ball with the infamous black glove.
Shane all smiles as usual.

 First Saturday of the month: Home Depot project center. Shane above.
 Jackson- taking all of the beautiful colors and mixing them into a lovely grew/brown.
Goof ball central- Shane with Cucumbers on his eyes.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Gold Coins

Shane and Jackson are infatuated with money- they love coins and dollar bills and we have a money jar. (Basically all of the money in the jar comes from Keith's change but none the less it accumulates). Last night when we were getting ready for bed Jackson went into his stash of goodies under his bed- he tells me that he likes to keep special things there like his treasure box so he knows where it is at all times- Jackson gets out his treasure chest. In the treasure chest is a golden Easter egg from the Easter Egg Hunt and he has change in there, including a gold Euro coin. Both boys think this is awesome and after we count the money they start telling me what they are going to do with all of their money.

First on the list is ice cream- both boys agree this is money well spent, but then they get into a long discussion about Raspberry Lime Rickies vs. Ice Cream and which is better. Conversation continues and then they decide that they want to use their money to buy their cousin Zach Lego's! (Mind you they have 53 cents in the egg). Both Shane and Jackson think this is great- but what about our girl cousins Jackson asks? I know, nail polish because girls like nail polish right mommy? This exciting conversation lasted for 15-20 minutes and it was so cute!

Only four more Nana days until our cousins come to visit!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Spring time fun

Spring has FINALLY arrived! Daddy spoiled both boys with remote control cards and they love them! They are playing with the cars every chance they can get. In fact playing outside is a big thing right now. I like to be outside with them b/c of the street but they are cute. Both boys get the water guns and pretend to play soldiers/robots/police everything. They love being outside and playing in the garage- AKA their hide out is a big hit. Jackson likes to check on the dog statue every now and then.

This morning Shane woke up bright and early (5 am early) and we had coffee and juice and read the Magic School Bus books. Both boys love the books- they got them from the Stoneham library so we have to be careful not to loose them! (as we have a tendency to lose library books and find them much much later). But none the less Shane got dressed, with his "Robo Vest" on - this is an outside Jacket that he was been wearing to protect him from the "bad guys", he wears it inside and outside.

We played cars with the train tracks and Jackson has taken apart some of the play mobile toys to make them work for cars.

Art class is going well, we had the opportunity to paint our sculptures that we made in previous classes, Jackson just had fun mixing the different colors- he took all of the bright colors and made them into a lovely brown!

Uncle Adam had a gallery show open this weekend and Jackson and I went up to see it. Shane fell asleep in the car and there was no parking- so they drove around, while Jackson and I visited the SOWA galleries. Jackson especially liked the photo of the "Northern Lights" it was a green sky and Jackson really liked it- he even got a chance to speak with the photographer. But to be honest, i think his favorite part was the snacks!

Thursday, May 1, 2014


Shane and Jackson's 3 day teacher at Belmont Cooperative is leaving the school and the boys each painted her a picture:
 Shane's picture is a tree with flowers and the sun.
Jackson's art work, let's call it an abstract for now but it is a beauty!

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