Friday, March 27, 2015

Jackson- March 2015

Dear Jackson-
I haven't written you a letter in a long time! Mostly because I think you are getting old enough to remember things but also because there doesn't seem to be enough time in the day to get this sort of important stuff done. So here goes....

You continue to be a busy guy! You seem to be thriving in school and LOVE your teacher Mrs. Cox. Let's not forget your class hamster Rosie- she has come home with us a few times and is scheduled to be with us again over April vacation. Every day when we come to pick you up, you have to go see Mrs. Cox and play with Rosie- it is cute and Mrs. Cox is very accommodating to your visits. In fact last night during supper we were talking about school and you called me Mrs. Cox! Do I look like Mrs. Cox? No, but you think about her and school so often it is easy to get confused.  Currently, you have a big black eye- we were at Auntie Kim & Caileb's house last week for a pizza party and you got socked in the face while you all were playing "Leap Frog" which essentially was a big wrestle festival! At the time I thought nothing of it but it was clear on Saturday morning that you had a big shiner there and a week later you still have it. So between the black eye, no front bottom teeth and the bruise on your back from a snowball fight with your friend Gabrielle at school you look pretty roughed up BUT Cute none the less!

Art classes continue at the MFA and you run up those stairs like you own the place. Last weekend you brought home your sketch book and were so proud of your creations I loved watching you skim through that book to show me all of the drawings and ideas you had. You created a beautiful fruit painting that was watercolor and full of images and colors- we hung it on the wall and I love it!

Daddy keeps you buys as well- last weekend daddy took you Wall climbing- you did this at Clark's Trading Post over the summer and loved it and it was the same last weekend. You climbed to the TOP three times! Daddy was very proud and you were very proud of yourself (as you should be) as well. Daddy told me that you yelled down to people at the bottom- saying "Hey, look at me up here".

Karate continues and Daddy and Nana report that you are doing well and listening to Sense Bobby. You like going and wearing your black uniform and blue belt- you are one of the more experienced students in the class so you are in the front row so other kids can follow you. And of course, swimming- you are a little fish in that pool- every week Nana takes you to the Arlington Boys and Girls Club and you go right in now and get changed by yourself and you are getting so big! You are in (and have been for a while) in a deep end class and you seem to really love it! Which I love.

Jackson, even though you still get frustrated when things don't go your way you seem to be in a great spot! You come downstairs every morning, dressed and ready for the day- as you say. You say "good morning mommy, did you already watch the news? "; you turn on the lights; ask for some peach juice; and then go about your business- building forts or legos. You built a GREAT Lego police truck yesterday all on your own with no help- you sat there for about 20-30 minutes following the directions and building. You Jackson Reid are doing great! and I love the fact that you are so happy all of the time! You are mommy's sun, moon and stars which means you are everything to mommy! Don't ever forget that! I love you with all of my heart and can't wait to see you tonight after school and hear about your day.


Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Shane- Star Student

Dear Purple Cats-
I am happy to write to you today to tell you about my son and your friend- Shane Bryant.
Shane has a twin brother, Jackson who is a Brown Bear with Mrs. Cox just across the hall.  I think you will agree that Shane is a sweet boy and a good friend. At home Shane likes to do lots of different things. He makes HUGE forts that even a grown up can hide in! And sometimes Shane likes to pretend that he is a baby jaguar crawling through the jungle at our house on Payson Rd.

In the winter time Shane likes to ice skate- he is very fast! And snowboard- he can go down the entire hill at Underwood park and NOT fall off the snowboard. We have so much snow in our yard at home that Shane and his brother named the Mountain- Snow Leopard Mountain and built tunnels in the mountain.

When it is not snowing out- Shane likes to climb trees- especially the big trees at Payson Park and go to the playground. Shane is a great soccer player (he is on the green team) and really knows his Karate moves! Shane just started playing the guitar as well.

I don’t know if many of you have brothers and sisters? But if you do you might wrestle or play with them at home? Here is something you might not know about Shane, one day while he and his brother were pretend wrestling- Shane knocked out his brother Jackson’s 2 bottom teeth! Just like that- bamb the teeth fell out! Shane hasn’t lost any teeth of his own yet.

I think Shane is a GREAT kid and I am very proud of him! He loves to read on my lap and he brings a smile to my face every time I see him. I hope you have a great day and give your friend Shane a high five next time you walk by himJ