Sunday, July 26, 2015


Jackson and Mommy waiting for Jerry to get hair cuts. 

Shane getting his hair cut by Jerry. 

We had a great morning getting hair cuts at Jerry's. At first the boys were fighting over who would go first and then when it was Jackson's turn he threw a fit and started yelling that he didn't want to get his haircut. Jerry's is a small barber shop and it was pretty embarrassing. Afterwards we went yard saling and got some new boogie boards for a dollar. 

Our new favorite book- we read it three times the other day!

Learning to Play Baseball with Uncle Jay and Andrew

 Learning to properly Hit the ball with Uncle Jay and Andrew Scarpa at Nana's its our own private field!

 Playing catch with gloves that fit!

Jackson at bat.

We had a great Saturday this weekend. The boys started Running Brooke Summer camp and had a great 1st week so a low key weekend was in order. Uncle Jay was in town for a golf tournament so we visited with him and had FUN. Andrew came over from next door and between Jay and Andrew the boys got private baseball lessons- how to use the glove, keep your eye on the ball, follow through etc. Then they took out the bat and we watched Uncle Jay hit the balls high above the trees and into the neighbors yard. It was great!

We followed batting practice up with dinner at the 99!

Saturday, July 18, 2015

NH Vacation

Oh NH how we love thee!
A few days into vacation on Lake Winnipesaukee and we are having a great time. Everyone including Nana got to NH without incident (everyone’s cars worked great)!
We have been to the lake almost every day swimming and making friends. Shane and Jackson have coordinated some amazing sand contraptions with water gates and damns and everything!
They have befriended kiddos of all ages – boys and girls and played like they were long last pals.
Yesterday Daddy took the boys to the Ruggles Mine- WOW! What fun. Shane and Jackson got little hammers and hammered away for diamonds.
They came home with big buckets of rocks and they each got a present- Shane got a Tooth- he is determined that it is a dinosaur tooth (it looks just like a shark tooth) but none the less it came on a necklace and he wore it to bed. Jackson got a “Purple diamond” and he keeps it safe in it’s box. They are so cute with their dinosaur prizes ! I love them to death. It rained yesterday so they also went to the movies to see Inside Out.

We rented a house on a cul-de-sac so lots of space for riding bikes- and they have gotten good at it too! Shane and Jackson can ride “Sideways” and with one hand.

The Lake  has been awesome! Both Shane and Jackson are like fish in there. Towards the end of vacation, their favorite thing was digging for shiny rocks and "sand glass". Yesterday was our last full day here and Shane found "squishy sand" at the bottom of the lake that was nice and warm; when we were leaving he said- "Mommy, next year when we come to the lake can we play in the squishy sand? I like it ...."

We visited with Aunt Edna and jumped off her neighbors dock many many times into the lake. and went on a train ride- the boys got balloon dragons from the balloon guy. The balloon man also provided a great deal of joy to the kids at the beach as he would let a balloon out the window of train as it passed and the kids (including Shane and Jackson) chase the balloon. 

We also went hiking into the flume and basin and drove the Kangamangus Highway and visited some waterfalls there. Storyland was great- they boys LOVED the interactive stuff- playing on the trucks, the little water park, riding the train etc. They were both tall enough this year to ride solo, so Mommy and Daddy kind of got the boot on many rides. The favorite was definitely the ball pit and the ancient Egyptian water ride. Also had an amazing day at Aunt Margaret's and Uncle Al's house- the boys got to drive the boat and even sat in the fast boat! 
 Shane was pretty averse to photos on this vacation. But I was able to snap one of him (Above) on the train.
We visited Kellerhuas for ice cream sundae's one night after Tamarack. The place has not changed in 40 years! They still have the little american flags for your sunday, and the candy boats; the candy room and the little figures that move... it was a flashback to mommy's childhood and going there with Mommy's Nana and Aunties. 

The dragon balloons made on the train. 
This is mommy trying to take a picture with Shane. Obviously he ducked!
 Jackson driving solo!


We had an amazing vacation! And mommy is sad that it is over but the one thing is that it is raining out today which makes it much easier to pack up the car and drive for 2.5 hours home rather than missing the beach! 

Monday, July 13, 2015

The Lake

We have had a fabulous time at the Lake this year!
Shane and Jackson are six years old and enjoying life. Mommy has had her big camera with her so there will be lots of photos in the photo album.

We visited Santa's Village way up in Northern NH and loved it! Both boys had a great time with the Elf Alphabet game and were enthralled with all of the rides and fun stuff to do- especially the roller coaster! We visited with the Leppo's and both boys got to drive the boat, a few times! We went swimming off the dock and ate a lot of food! A big shout out to Aunt Margaret and Uncle Al for a great day!

Grandpa Bill and his friend Helen came up for a visit as well- we went for a ride on the mail boat around the lake and kept an eye out for mermaids, but we didn't see any this year :-(  We have also spent lots and lots of time at the beach swimming and making friends. The boys have made some awesome sand castles/ sand contraptions with walls and dams and all sorts of neat stuff! It has been a great week here at the Lake. Today we are venturing off to Mt. Cranmore for some outdoor fun and we will visit Story Land as well and hopefully get some more time at the Lake!

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Cousin Time!

We have had a great week full of family and fun!
Uncle Jay, Auntie Kate and Baby Reid came from California and our cousins from Ohio also came to Boston. Uncle Jay rented a house on the ocean in Beverly Farms and boy did we have fun. There was a hammock there and it rocked! More to follow but some quick photos that Uncle Chris took. Shane and Jackson are all about Zach- last night they played basketball in the driveway for hours with Zach and just follow him around. Zach has been a good sport about it!
 Cousin Katie on the cliffs. Uncle Jay took the kids down to the bottom of the rocks to the ocean to collect sea glass. Jackson referred to his as ocean glass and now has a special box for it. Katie hung out on the rocks taking selfies of herself ;-)

 Auntie Kris and Uncle Chris brought the boys some presents all the way from Ohio- here are Jackson and Shane walking on the upside down cups. They loved this and also loved the ankle ball that you swing around. We had a Fabulous few days at the ocean and beach!

 Katie and Shane in the infamous Hammock- 7 people could fit in there and it blew in the wind. It brought many children a lot of fun and joy!!!
 Jackson in the hammock
 Shane in the hammock

Before camp starts, Nana has been watching the boys. Here they are at Barbara's pool with some friends enjoying the water!

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