Thursday, June 3, 2010

Jackon and Shane's words

Jackson and Shane are 20 months old and are started to speak a few words. Jackson tends to be more verbal than Shane but they both say about the same words.... the most common words are:
Boon translation Balloon
Bi translation Bird
Muh translation Milk
Ma Ma - no translation needed- Mommy
Da no translation needed- Daddy (usually accompanied by waving arms and laughter)
Cah translation Car- usually followed by a wave
Bye Bye- no translation required

As I am writing this, I have noticed that my little guys have more words than I thought.

To Jackson and Shane- I know that i tend to group you both together in a lot of this blog but Daddy and I completely view you as two separate people! We know that you are your own individuals and we love you so much for your own individuality! You are both so special in your own way! Mommy and Daddy love you- you are Mommy's Sun, Moon and Stars- you are everything to us!

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