Saturday, August 14, 2010

Saturday at Sandy Beach in Winchester

We finally made it to Sandy Beach at Mystic Lake in Winchester! Nana has wanted to take Shane and Jackson there since they were born and today we experienced it- wow! it was a nice little sandy beach in which the boys could play at in and out of the water, we had a picnic lunch on the bench and it was a perfect day. Thank you to Nana for introducing us to Sandy Beach and we look forward to bringing daddy with us next time.

Today we also drove our cozy coupe cars around the block and that was more fun than the beach, we think. Mommy and Daddy each pushed one of us and we just got to look around and yell beep beep- we even met our neighbor that we talk through the trees to. Since we play with our water table so much the back yard is nice and green and gets muddy very easily. We average about three headers per day while playing outside and tonight Shane was running with water slipped in the mud and slide a few feet in the mud- he was DIRTY and Scared to say the least but he did look pretty cute covered in mud from head to toe- literally. But nothing that a bath can't clean up. Sleep tight my little boys. mommy and daddy love you.

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