Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween! We had an eventful Halloween weekend with trick or treating in Cusing Square Belmont and then the actual Trick or Treating on Halloween night.

Shane and Jackson carved a pumpkin with Trish and Shane really enjoyed that- he stood up on the chair and dug his hands in- Jackson did not like it so much- I don't think he liked the texture of the pumpkin insides. I also took the boys for a ride in the wagon and we looked at pumpkins and ghosts- Jackson loves to say Boo when ever he sees a ghost.

Trick or Treating: well Jackson caught onto the trick or treating very quickly and had no issue walking up and picking candy out of a bowl- in fact he would talk to himself on the way "up" the stairs stating up, up, up. Shane on the otherhand- wanted to be carried and cried some of the time but he looked pretty cute as Eagor and chasing after Keith to be picked up. We went to 6 houses and I think that the boys had fun.

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