Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Shane 27 months

Dear Shane-
You are 27 months old and oh how you have changed since you were born! You have gotten a lot taller and you no longer fit under the island in the kitchen, in fact, sometimes you bump your little head against it because you are running so fast you don't see it.

You are a smiley little boy and still loved to be held, especially when you wake up from sleeping. Speaking of sleeping- you like to sleep almost anywhere except in your bed! You love to crawl into a little corner of your room and fall asleep, with of course your snappies- my snappies, my snappies is what you say until you have found the correct pair of PJs with the snaps that you like! But don't worry, mommy comes in and moves you to your bed every night, that is when I can get into your bedroom. Sometimes you and Jackson fall asleep in front of the door and I can't get it open! Before you got to bed you are enjoying jumping on that bed of yours and when you jump you wiggle your little bottom, it is very cute to watch and you laugh hysterically in a high pitched but deep toddler laugh!

You like to play baby- which means you still like to be rocked like a little baby and be sung to. Sometimes you won't let mommy move until i pick you up- you stand in front of my legs until I pick you up. "Up, Up, Up " is what you say. Speaking of words, you are getting more words every day. You are very good with two syllable words such as apple, Elmo, Cookie (for cookie monster), Big Bird and what is cute is that you shake your head as you say the second syllable. You know when to say please and sometimes you even say thank you.

Sesame Street is the only show that you watch on television and you call it Elmo. You sit on the big couch with your little legs straight out and hands folded- your feet don't reach the edge of the couch- you are adorable to watch!

You like to carry an Orange Dunkin Doughnuts Trick or Treat bag around with you which contains all of your essentials- Elmo, milk and books.

You love your milk and toast! Every morning when you wake up (after knocking on the door to let me know that you are awake) you start asking for toast and milk. You say: "Milk....Toast? Milk toast? .... Some of your other favorite things to do are reading books and pulling all of the books off the shelf. You still find great entertainment in snowball and you like to go up to him and put your hands up like a lion and say "roar" in front of his face and then....you give him loves.

You are growing up so fast my little Shane! Apologies to you that this letter isn't better written, but it is something that we can look back on to remember these times together. I love you Shane Kilday.

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