Monday, May 30, 2011

fixing things with Daddy

Daddy has a lot of patience and he lets you boys help him fix things. This week you helped Daddy change the hoses on the washing machine and fix the screen to the back door.

Memorial Day

Today was Memorial Day 2011. Daddy took the boys to Dunkin Doughnuts for breakfast while mommy did stuff around the house and watched the Memorial Day parade from the porch. We had a nice visit with Auntie Ru- you boys are always wanting to visit with Auntie Ru so today we finally got there. You "played scrabble with her".

After our visit with Auntie Ru we went to Auntie Kim's for a BBQ. Mommy and Kim and Cheryl have been friends since 1st grade so it was great to see all of our kids playing together. Jackson and Shane- your swimming lessons paid off and you had a great time in the pool with mommy.

Thursday, May 26, 2011


Jackson didn't want to get up from his nap and continued to pull the sheet over his head saying "No Up".

While eating breakfast Jackson was looking through the french door saying "I see you Mommy"

Jackson and Shane were eating breakfast and didn't want me to go to work and said- "No work mommy. "- they were going on a duck walk in watertown today. Trish is great and does so much with them I am very grateful for her energies and commitment to our family!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Shane 31 months

Dear Shane,
My little Shane, you aren't so little any more. You are getting bigger every day. Even Grandma (you call her Gamma) says that you seem taller every time that she sees you. You Mr. Shane are getting to have a great vocabulary and are putting 3 word phrases together- you say very often I like xxx, yesterday while you were eating your lunch you said to me: "Mommy, I like pasta". (sometimes when I work from home I get to have lunch with you and your brother).

The spring weather is definitely here and we try to spend as much time outside as possible. Trish takes you out almost every day to an activity- you love visiting the farm and when you aren't at the farm you like to play farm at home. I found some farm animals and you and Jackson LOVE to play farm with you barn and animals. Last night we read a book about animals and you knew almost every animal and the sound that they make. One day when your friend Kelly was over you, Jackson, Kelly and Trish made cookies- you especially liked pressing the button on the food processor to mix up the dough! After play group yesterday, Trish took you to meet a policeman, while you didn't want to get into his car, you made a GREAT hat that you have been wearing since. In fact, last night at supper you wouldn't take the hat off- it looks very cute on you. This month, you rode your bike outside and loved it! we went around the block and i think you couldn't have stayed on that bike all day- mommy pushed you since the pedalling was a little hard but you loved ringing the bell on that bike! Like your brother, you also like to ride your inside bike around the house, fall down and fix the bike. You are very good at fixing things and Daddy lets you help him whenever he is working on something.

At the park- you still love the big slide and the swings- last week Nana and her friend Joan started a new game with you on the swings- big guy up in the sky...... so I have kept doing that and throw in an underdog and you laugh with the deepest laugh there is, sometimes even screaming with excitement. The other day at the park you were playing with a little boy and waited for him to go down the slide together- I know it doesn't sound like much but as your mommy I was very happy that you were interacting and playing with other kids as you and Jackson tend to stick together like glue sometimes. When you run you have the cutest little run and your arms fly all over the place, I know this will stop soon and your arms will move in a swift motion but for now, I love to watch you run like a little toddler. You started swimming lessons this month Shane, and so far so good. You seem to really love the water and you laugh a lot during the class. While you don't really like being dunked under water you are a good sport about it and just smile- i think your favorite part of the class is the free swim when you get to go down the slide!

You know your ABCs very well know and can sing them without help. You also can sing other songs that you learn at school and play group. You are working in counting: at the moment you count 1, 2, 3,4, 9 and that is as far as you like to go. Anita and Jen from early intervention continue to be impressed by your speech and all of the words you are putting together. Nana was telling you a pretend story the other day and at the end of the story you clapped and said to her: "and no book Nana"- as to say, hey Nana that was pretty good for just making that up.

I love you Shane Kilday, your mommy's sun, moon and stars. I thank God every night that he gave you to us. All my love, Mommy

Jackson 31 month letter

Jackson holding his favorite heart bracelet. Jackson and Nanna

Jackson and Jen from Early Intervention

Dear Jackson-
Another month has passed and like I have said before, you are getting bigger and smarter (if I might say so) every day. The nice weather is finally upon us and you love being outside- (for you downstairs means outside). You, my little man Jackson are full of energy from the moment you wake up at 5:30 in morning sometimes (Saying Mommy, mommy at the door) until the moment you go to bed (yelling don't leave mommy-you make me cry sometimes)). Sometimes your energy crashes and you get very frustrated with what ever you are doing or you don't get and you throw or kick things, we try to keep this to a minimum however (over the weekend you didn't want your oatmeal and you threw it across the room!).

Outside is a great place to be. Trish has taken you and your brother to the farm on numerous occasions and you go to a park almost every day so that you can run and play and run and play. Last Saturday when we went to the park you showed me how you climb UP the big slide and then come back down. You and Shane play a game with the wood chips and like to put them all over the slide and you laugh hysterically while doing it- I'm not sure I understand what is so funny but something is! We started swimming lessons this month, and Jackson while you love the bath water, you don't like the pool. The first class was O.K. you just said "water out, water out" the entire lesson but last week you cried the entire 30 minutes of the class and wanted nothing to do with lying on your back in the water! Even if you don't like it we have been playing pop goes the weasel and you have been dunked under water successfully- I think we'll get there, we only have 2 more lessons left and then we'll sign up for the next session. You got a bike this month and with your helmet rode your tricycle around the block- at the first try you made it to the front of the house before you started to get upset but none the less you continue to ask to ride your bike- you love to ride the bike inside the house and you and Shane chase each other around on the seated indoor bikes you have. You like to "tip and fall off" the bike and after you have fallen off you like to fix the bike- you get your play tools and with the wrench you fix the tires- it is very cute to watch.

When you were little you used to love to play with boxes- any box, you and your brother would climb into and laugh. While you still like to hide in the boxes you much rather flip the box over and JUMP off the box- you did this for 20 minutes the other day- of course you were laughing.

I have tried multiple ways to get you to go to sleep lately. For a few weeks I was lying in bed with you until you fell asleep. If by chance, I was with Shane, you would come over and lie on Shane's bed until you fell asleep. While I love the quite time with you I don't think that having me in the room is very conducive to going to sleep so last night I opted to leave the room with Daddy. You and Shane were not impressed with this tactic and you got very upset when I left the room- I'm sorry, but it is something that mommy has to do so that you will got to sleep. You and your brother cried for a few minutes and last night Shane said to you - "Jackson, no cry it O.K."- I could hear him through the baby monitor- you and your brother love each other very much!

You still love to wear your boots as much as you can and your newest addition to the "outfit" is your policeman's hat that you made this week and mommy's lunch bag that you use for your groceries. Jackson Reid, I thank God every night that he gave you to us. Thank you for being your wonderful little self. I love you Jackson Reid, your mommy's sun, moon and stars.
Love always- Mommy

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day Weekend

Oh what a wonderful weekend we had, this mother's day weekend.
On Friday, Nana came to watch the boys and we had a fun evening of just playing around the house. Saturday was swimming lessons- we learned how to jump into the pool. Last night we went to Nana's house and met Uncle Dave and Adam there for dinner- they brought their dogs, Baley and Blake- Shane and Jackson had a great time with all of the dogs. Both boys played with the dogs and Shane loved to follow Uncle Dave around the house saying Uncle Dave, Uncle Dave. A. Val and U. Terry stopped by for a brief hello and saw the boys as well. A big thank you to cousin Daniel for the leggos! They are awesome. After Shane and Jackson tore Nana's freezer apart and ran around the house about a million times we had dinner- Daddy's favorite: Chinese food from China Moon. It was a great night.

Today we went to the zoo and saw all sorts of animals. There is a little park at the zoo and i think that was the best part for the boys. By the farm they could go down the slide and see goats, pigs and bunnies as Jackson liked to point these out to complete strangers. I asked Jackson what the leopard said and Jackson replied "Meow"- close enough I guess. The bears were the highlight but a close second was the big bird Shane and I got to see up close. After our picnic lunch we saw more animals and headed home, now it is time for a visit with Grandma. We bumped into mommy's friend Jen and her family at the zoo- Jackson is on the left and Shane is on the right of Madison. The boys wore their wicked Smaht shirts from A. Val and U. terry.

Grandma and Grandpa were great! Grandma is home from the hospital and is looking more beautiful than ever. The boys had some fruit, played on the computer then we walked down the street to Pisa Pizza for dinner. Mommy and Daddy sat on one side of the booth and Grandpa, Jackson, Grandma and Shane all sat on the other side. Grandma had a smile on her face the entire time. Shane called Grandma Gamma tonight and I think she liked her special name. The played the pretend drums while waiting for the pizza and had a grand time with their drinks. At bed time Shane went right to sleep but Jackson sat on his bed singing songs- ABCs and the wheels on the bus- after each song he clapped for himself (he thought I was asleep). Too cute.

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