Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Jackson 31 month letter

Jackson holding his favorite heart bracelet. Jackson and Nanna

Jackson and Jen from Early Intervention

Dear Jackson-
Another month has passed and like I have said before, you are getting bigger and smarter (if I might say so) every day. The nice weather is finally upon us and you love being outside- (for you downstairs means outside). You, my little man Jackson are full of energy from the moment you wake up at 5:30 in morning sometimes (Saying Mommy, mommy at the door) until the moment you go to bed (yelling don't leave mommy-you make me cry sometimes)). Sometimes your energy crashes and you get very frustrated with what ever you are doing or you don't get and you throw or kick things, we try to keep this to a minimum however (over the weekend you didn't want your oatmeal and you threw it across the room!).

Outside is a great place to be. Trish has taken you and your brother to the farm on numerous occasions and you go to a park almost every day so that you can run and play and run and play. Last Saturday when we went to the park you showed me how you climb UP the big slide and then come back down. You and Shane play a game with the wood chips and like to put them all over the slide and you laugh hysterically while doing it- I'm not sure I understand what is so funny but something is! We started swimming lessons this month, and Jackson while you love the bath water, you don't like the pool. The first class was O.K. you just said "water out, water out" the entire lesson but last week you cried the entire 30 minutes of the class and wanted nothing to do with lying on your back in the water! Even if you don't like it we have been playing pop goes the weasel and you have been dunked under water successfully- I think we'll get there, we only have 2 more lessons left and then we'll sign up for the next session. You got a bike this month and with your helmet rode your tricycle around the block- at the first try you made it to the front of the house before you started to get upset but none the less you continue to ask to ride your bike- you love to ride the bike inside the house and you and Shane chase each other around on the seated indoor bikes you have. You like to "tip and fall off" the bike and after you have fallen off you like to fix the bike- you get your play tools and with the wrench you fix the tires- it is very cute to watch.

When you were little you used to love to play with boxes- any box, you and your brother would climb into and laugh. While you still like to hide in the boxes you much rather flip the box over and JUMP off the box- you did this for 20 minutes the other day- of course you were laughing.

I have tried multiple ways to get you to go to sleep lately. For a few weeks I was lying in bed with you until you fell asleep. If by chance, I was with Shane, you would come over and lie on Shane's bed until you fell asleep. While I love the quite time with you I don't think that having me in the room is very conducive to going to sleep so last night I opted to leave the room with Daddy. You and Shane were not impressed with this tactic and you got very upset when I left the room- I'm sorry, but it is something that mommy has to do so that you will got to sleep. You and your brother cried for a few minutes and last night Shane said to you - "Jackson, no cry it O.K."- I could hear him through the baby monitor- you and your brother love each other very much!

You still love to wear your boots as much as you can and your newest addition to the "outfit" is your policeman's hat that you made this week and mommy's lunch bag that you use for your groceries. Jackson Reid, I thank God every night that he gave you to us. Thank you for being your wonderful little self. I love you Jackson Reid, your mommy's sun, moon and stars.
Love always- Mommy

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