Dear Shane-
I am writing you a letter for your three year old birthday! Happy Birthday little guy! I can't believe that you are three, you have been alive for 36 months! I love you Shane Kilday.
Your words are coming along perfectly and sometimes when you talk you blink your eyes a couple of times and it is very cute to watch. You love balloon and most recently have had balloons from your birthday, Friendly's and the Bank and you carry them all around with you, this morning you lined up all 5 of the deflated balloons on the floor and were playing with them.
As usual, you and Jackson are pretty much inseparable. You always like to know where he is as does he, you. We continue to work on your listening skills, I"m trying to give you a sticker for every time you listen to mommy- your sticker chart has been a little bare, but I am confident that we will get there. Night time is a bit of a challenge for you, you have lots of energy and jump around and play like crazy at bed time. Again, we will get there.
I love you Shane Kilday, you are mommy's sun, moon and stars.
Love, Mommy.
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