Monday, December 5, 2011

Decorating the tree

I"m looking at the Christmas card photo from 2008- the year that Shane and Jackson were born, they were just a few weeks old when we plopped them both in one swing with Christmas hats on! And now at three years old they are decorating the tree themselves (well kind of). Nana came over yesterday for a tree trimming- we had China Moon for lunch and then decorated the tree. I thought if I put all of the non-breakable ornaments in a bin the boys could just take them out and hang them on the tree. That worked for about 2 minutes then the boys were more interested in taking the ornaments OFF the tree. Daddy took a nap and we decorated and re-decorated the tree. Jackson was really into it for a while, Standing on the chair and climbing all over the place, I think the tree looks great, I"ll post photos later!

When we were going to bed, the boys remembered from last year (Honestly, I didn't say a peep about it) that the snowmen have to lay down and go to sleep when we go up stairs. So the boys laid all of the snowmen to bed on our way up the stairs and this morning we woke them all up.

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