Dear Jackson-
My little Jack, you are getting more demanding in your old age and very opinionated about things. For example, you say that you want pizza for dinner every night! even though i don't ask you what you want for dinner, you just decide to tell me. You even go to the extreme of getting the pizza out of the freezer! and then of course you cry when you don't get the pizza.
You still love your wooden spoon. I'm not sure why this is, but you love this spoon- it is an old cooking spoon and you wave it around and around. Sometimes when you throw it, it is taken away and you cry and cry but for the most part you are O.K. about it. And your newest adventure is running around flapping your arms yelling tweet tweet.
Your bedtime routine is a cute one. After we haggle you into brushing your teeth and you run around, you have to have your batman superhero book, blanket and Kittie and the newest addition, a matchbox car- don't ask me why about the car? but you are very attached to a certain purple car that you must sleep with. Every night we read stories and you turn the music on and then you have to go say good night to daddy, who is usually reading in our bedroom. You go in and say night night daddy, sweet dreams and turn his light off for him. It is very cute actually.
You are growing up my little guy. Just the other day you asked me if I was going to the Ballet again with Nana (I went to the ballet with Nana two weeks ago), your memory is getting sharper. You love to play play dough and draw and color and now that the nice weather is creeping up on us you love to go to the park and of course, your old stand by favorite- the indoor play gym!
I love you Jackson Reid, you are mommy's sun, moon and stars.
Love- Mommy
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