Tuesday, April 17, 2012

uncle Chris comes to visit

Uncle Chris came to visit last night and had supper with us. When I told the boys that he was coming they asked why (of course) and then asked how he was coming- I told them an airplane from Ohio- then Shane got a huge smile on his face and said "My cousins, my cousins are coming? Zach is coming?" He yelled to Jackson, "Jackson my cousins are coming!". They were disappointed when i told them that it was just Uncle Chris but they had a great time with him regardless.
Above is a photo of Jackson (orange shirt) watching a video from Auntie Chris- Jackson was actually talking to the video- when she asked a question, Jackson would answer the question into the video and he watched it a few times.

Jackson wearing his helmet and riding his scooter! Both Jackson and Shane love thier helmets and scooters.

Safety first in our neighborhood.

Shane wearing his new Shark helmet and riding his scooter.

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