Friday, June 8, 2012

Jackson letter- June 2012

Dear Jackson-
You have been a busy boy Jackson Reid! You successfully finished your first year of pre-shcool and Mrs. Sacca described you as a leader and I also see that at home. Every day when you wake up the first thing you do is tell me if the sun is out or not then you ask if you have school? then you ask if Trish is coming? Is Nana coming? Every day you hit me with those statements/ questions. Then you go right into your I want to go downstairs bit- you stand at my bed and just repeatedly say: I want to go downstairs, I want to go downstairs..... When I get up you then proceed to ask ANOTHER series of questions about what I am doing- You are an inquisitive little guy! But for the most part your morning questions end when you get your orange juice and you start playing- this morning you were balancing your trucks on the castle perfectly.

 You are fine to play by yourself and but love it when Shane is there to play with you. Jackson, you call your brother Shaney which I think is oh so cute! You and your brother still get along well but when you fight, you fight hard and push and bite each other- oh the drama we have at home!

We are still potty training at Payson Road- I bribe you to sit on the potty, you get a treat afterwards and you do a great job when you are on the potty but it is those in between times that we are working on. This seems to be taking up a large portion of our life right now- potty training and I will be glad when it is over and everyone uses the big potty on their own!

Spring has passed and summer is almost here and you LOVE to play outside- you would be outside all day every day if it was up to you. We have had a lot of rain lately and as soon as the rain stops you go to the window and yell: Mommy the rain stopped can we go out? Trish brings you places almost every day, you recently went to the farm and saw the baby pigs- you love the pigs!

I love you Jackson Reid! You are mommy's sun, moon and stars. Talk to you later aligator!


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