Friday, October 26, 2012

Daddy's halloween party at the gym

Last night was the Halloween party at Daddy's gym. The boys wore their costumes- Jackson was batman and Shane was spiderman. Neither one of them wanted to wear their masks but they enjoyed their costumes! I (mommy) tried to get them to eat supper before they left with no luck, but no worries, Trish stepped in and Mommy and Daddy left and both boys ate their entire dinner of fish sticks! So off they went to the party with Daddy.

When they got home, both boys said that they had FUN! Daddy reported that they tried to play Dodge ball with the other kids. But Shane and Jackson didn't quite grasp the dodge ball concept 100% so instead of trying to avoid the ball, they continued to chase after the ball! Shane didn't like being "out" and I guess he cried, but Jackson had no problem with it and just continued to go back into the game and play even if he was "out".

And what would a Halloween party be without Candy? Well they did receive candy and they enjoyed it. Jackson had one piece left by the time he got home and he wanted to eat it like it was going out of style! I said No, he had enough already. But he persisted and I took the tootsie roll away. So, I bring Shane upstairs to get ready for bed and when I came down to get Jackson he was sitting on the counter with scissors in hand- he found the tootsie roll, got scissors opened up the candy and ate it! He had a BIG GRIN on his face for that accomplishment- sneaky little guy!!! Both boys brushed their teeth extra long since they had so much candy! 

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