Monday, May 6, 2013

Jackson April 2013

Dear Jackson-
Well I think it is safe to say that Spring is definitely and finally here! Or at least we would like to think it is. With the arrival of spring comes a lot of playing outside after school and on the weekends. You love to play out side and go to the green park and on Friday's your favorite park to go to with Nana is the wooden park.

Even when we are running errands on the weekends we still get to the park- above you are in the orange jacket on the tire swing with Shane- Push higher mommy, higher!!!!You still love school and are doing well, I think you especially like learning your numbers as everything you see you start to count: one, two, three, four etc. You are doing a great job with your numbers- sometimes you count up to 12! And painting, any spare moment we have "I want to paint mommy please" but sometimes I leave that as a special project for you and Trish to work on.

You continue to eat lots of different foods and you'll eat almost all of your meals and you continue to grow a lot. We have to do your growth chart this week to see how much you have grown. Karate is going well and we'll see how T-ball goes, hopefully once the games start you will enjoy playing with the kids and things will go better than the first night.

I think the biggest thing we have discussions about is who is going to sit where in the car. You and Shane both want to sit behind Daddy and that causes fights every day. But aside from that Little guy, you still love batman and your stuff. You have a drawer full of "stuff" next to your bed that you treasure. You are one cute little boy and I can't believe that you are getting closer to 5 years old rather than 4 years old! One last story before I sign off. We were at a party this weekend and the day after the party you asked if we could go back to their house for another party because you had so much fun! You make fun where ever you are. I love you Jackson Reid. You are mommy's sun, moon and stars.
Love, Mommy

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