Sunday, July 7, 2013

4th of july weekend- notes

Our COUSINS!!!!!!!!!!!
Shane says when he is going to use the bathroom: I need my privacy, come in with me.....
Balloon rockets
Swimming in the pool
Playing with Zach's toys- cars and clippers
Build a bear with Auntie
sleep over at our cousins
getting caught in the rain at the zoo with our cousins
Shane woke up day 1 at home and wanted to know when we were going back to ohio!
 Auntie shows Shane and Jackson the icecream in a tub at Max and Erma's
                                                Sleep over at Aunties house-the boys loved the sleeping bags. In fact, Jackson asked Auntie "how it worked? " so in the morning I just slide out?
                                                   Watching TV with Abby
                               Their rainbow build a bears. Jackson got a batman costume for his Rainbow Batman and Shane got a Spider Man costume for his Peter Parker Rainbow Bear. Below- wearing the hats from Build a Bear and blowing bubbles at Auntie and Uncle Chris's house.

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