Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Shane Sept. 2013

Dear Shane,
Mommy is very behind in her letters to you, it has been a busy summer! This will be the last letter I write to you as a four year old, you will be five years old next month, I can't believe that you will be 5!!!

You have grown a great deal over the summer and your little personality is shining through. You remain a happy little guy, always smiling and always up for a cuddle. But when you can't find your rainbow onsie- look out- you get very upset. We are working on the crying and "whining" as Jackson calls it.  You are becoming much more proficient in swimming and karate- you have your orange belt in karate and like to say Hi Yah at home. We should practice your karate moves at home but maybe in the coming weeks mommy will get more into that. You continue to love to draw and color, in fact every morning before breakfast you are usually coloring and our Wall of Fame Art Wall is very full with all of your art work.

You my good friend Shane are exactly that, a good friend. You and Jackson are as close as ever these days and you are always asking about your brother or can I have one for my brother Jackson? School is going well, you are in the 4 day class this year. You are the oldest children in the school and your classroom has a loft in it and you love going to school. Mommy finally met your buddy Coleman this weekend at the park and I was able to watch you play and interact with him and some other friends at the playground. You are a good player Shane and you are good at sharing.

I love you Shane Kilday! Stay strong and carry on my little friend, you are mommy's sun, moon and stars!
All my love-

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