Friday, January 10, 2014

Uncle Jay's CDs

Shane found Uncle Jay's CD's and was dancing with them. It doesn't look like much here but it was a cute moment.

sledding in the driveway

This was the hill the boys made at 281 Payson. They built up the slope with their shovels and headed down on the sled, they laughed and had a great time!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

MIsc. Photos from the past month

 Our current living room renovation- more finished photos to come.
 Shane playing in the snow- he filled up these buckets with snow and made a ramp for the sled.
 Jackson at the Disney on Ice Show- eating his popcorn
 Eating a snack at their favorite Joeys park

 Shane and Jackson both made it to purple belt in Karate!!!!
 Playing dress up with Dalia.
                                                         Fun in the snow in the back yard.
                                                    Jackson making a snow angel.
                                                             Shane's snow angel
                                        Shane helping to prepare Thanksgiving Vegetables.
                                            Jackson's contribution to the Thanksgiving "Feast" as he called it.
 Shane and Jackson

                                             Eating Lunch inside in the warm house on the coldest day of their life- literally- it was 3 degrees this morning and with the wind chill it was down to minus 15!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

2014 Happy New Year

Happy 2014!!! We had a low key New Years Eve, everyone was in bed snug as a rug early and then on New Years Day- Larry, Michelle and the kids (Jason, Carolanne and Ryan) came over and did we have fun! There was a lot of playing going on and the house looked like a tornado blew threw but you all had a great time and I'm glad that we were able to get together.

We had  a great school vacation and it has even been extended another day or two due to the big snow storm we are in the middle of. We went to Coco Bay indoor water park, the Children's Museum, The Disney on Ice show, the park, did crafts, visited Santa and just had a lot of fun with Mommy and Daddy. I think you had about 10 or 12 mommy and daddy days which was wonderful, now you have 2 "Trish Days" and then we are back to mommy and daddy for the weekend. I love playing with you guys and enjoy all of the time we have had together this past week!

Christmas was lots of fun, Shane and Jackson were pretty good in church- during the Children's Sermon they both kept asking the priest  or raising their hands to tell the priest that Santa was coming that night- She wasn't impressed. But after the kids sermon the children all processed back into the church to put the statues in the manger- Shane and Jackson each carried a statue and as they were walking up the aisle, Shane turned to me with a HUGE SMILE on his face and raised the statue of Joseph above his head waving and said Look Mommy- you had to be there, but it was cute. We planted our jelly beans, which turned into Candy Canes! from Santa on Christmas morning, baked cookies and left out milk and carrots for Santa and his Reindeer- Santa was so polite- he put his empty glass of milk in the sink for us! Both Shane and Jackson were really into the whole Christmas thing and Baby Jesus's birthday and Santa etc. so it really was a magical thing to watch. Even when we went to the Disney on Ice show- there was a Peter Pan section and Peter Pan and Wendy and the boys flew over the ice and Shane and Jackson watched in awe with their mouths open. They both have a lot of faith in things right now- Peter Pan, Santa etc. and it is great to watch!

Here is hoping we have a safe and healthy 2014- and that both boys listen more to mommy and daddy!

December 2013 Shane Letter

Dear Shane-
Happy winter! You are enjoying the winter and the snow very much these days and want to play outside every day in the snow- you get your own boots and jacket on (and you can zipper it) and you have a ball. We went to Joey's Park one day- the structure itself did not have snow on it but there was snow and ice all around and you had your shovel and pail and dug and dug the snow for at least an hour- of course you were yelling to other kids at the park to come play with you- "Hey Friends, come over here"- you are getting so big and a little bit maturer every day.

You are also becoming even more affectionate than you usually are! You are always giving hugs and kisses and you play with your onsie a lot these days, but I do love getting a random hug from you. With the kisses and hugs has also come an increase in the tears- you also seem to cry at the drop of a hat, I can tell the fake cry from a real cry and they are often fake cries, but yesterday you fell down the stairs while you were dressed as Captain America and that my friend, was a real cry! But you were o.k. the Captain America shield protected you.

You still love your shelters and secret hide out places, we were at Beaver Brooke one day with snowball and you found a "Shelter" that you and Jackson played in. You would call out to people walking their dogs and invite them into your shelter. Sandy and her dog Charlie came in for a visit and you offered them a walking stick and a cup of pretend hot chocolate!

I love you Shane Kilday, you are mommy's sun, moon and stars.
Love always-

Dec. 2013 Jackson Letter

Dear Jackson-
This is a quick and late note to say that I love you! You have been 5 years old for 2 months now and so far so good,. You are starting to ask a lot of questions, which is wonderful- asking questions about what words mean- it is great to interact with you about vocabulary and all sorts of fun things like that. This morning, (we are in the middle of a snow storm) you asked about snowflakes and the different shapes they make.

We had a great Christmas, Nana, Uncle Adam and Uncle Dave came over for dinner- or as you called it our "Feast" and we had visitors for our Feast. You and Shane made a wonderful sweet potato dish with Trish and we had a great "Feast". I think your favorite present that Santa left for you was the bumble bee transformer- you and Shane fight over it constantly but you are also good at sharing.

You have been a sleepy little guy these days and going right to sleep when we go upstairs and sleeping until about 7am! that is almost 12 hours of sleep, but when you wake up you are ready to PLAY! One day on snowball's walk at the park you and Shane found a "shelter"- this is at beaver brook reservation. And the Shelter soon became your secret hide out- you were yelling to people from the hide out and dragging sticks all around and just having a grand time! We have had a good few months and I love you more than you will ever know. Jackson Reid, you are mommy's sun, moon and stars.

All my love-

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