Dear Shane-
Happy winter! You are enjoying the winter and the snow very much these days and want to play outside every day in the snow- you get your own boots and jacket on (and you can zipper it) and you have a ball. We went to Joey's Park one day- the structure itself did not have snow on it but there was snow and ice all around and you had your shovel and pail and dug and dug the snow for at least an hour- of course you were yelling to other kids at the park to come play with you- "Hey Friends, come over here"- you are getting so big and a little bit maturer every day.
You are also becoming even more affectionate than you usually are! You are always giving hugs and kisses and you play with your onsie a lot these days, but I do love getting a random hug from you. With the kisses and hugs has also come an increase in the tears- you also seem to cry at the drop of a hat, I can tell the fake cry from a real cry and they are often fake cries, but yesterday you fell down the stairs while you were dressed as Captain America and that my friend, was a real cry! But you were o.k. the Captain America shield protected you.
You still love your shelters and secret hide out places, we were at Beaver Brooke one day with snowball and you found a "Shelter" that you and Jackson played in. You would call out to people walking their dogs and invite them into your shelter. Sandy and her dog Charlie came in for a visit and you offered them a walking stick and a cup of pretend hot chocolate!
I love you Shane Kilday, you are mommy's sun, moon and stars.
Love always-
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