Wednesday, September 3, 2014

The last days of Summer 2014

Here we are at Pine Point Beach in Maine, enjoying our Labor Day weekend. Shane in White, Jackson in the blue shirt- they dug a whole so big that they could both fit in it! This Labor Day weekend we drove to Portland to visit Mommy's friend Missy and her family. We went to the beach and went swimming a lot at the hotel! We went over to Peaks Island by Ferry and enjoyed island life for a day. Here are more photos of the weekend: We took the PACKED ferry to the island, on the way home- 2 ferries were needed to get everyone back to the main land. 
 Happy Jackson in his hole!
 Shane digging; Shane desperately wanted to play with a family speaking French and all day he tried to play with the little boy- but he didn't speak any English so would just ignore Shane....

The hole...

 "Fishing" off the docks in Portland. Both Shane and Jackson were very interested in the fishing so this kind gentleman would give Jackson the fish that he caught. They were small fish and he let Jackson throw them back into the ocean either to swim away or for a Sea Gull to eat.
 Jackson was all smiles on the ferry to Peaks. We sat in Front to watch the waves and look for seals (and sharks)
Shane and Daddy looking at the clouds. Missy and Eric put on a big party for all of their friends and the boys couldn't remember Missy's name. So, Shane took to calling her the lady that lives here.
Shane even had the following conversation with Missy:
"Excuse me, Lady that lives here"...(Shane taps her on the skirt)
Missy: Yes Little Keith?
My name isn't Keith, it's Shane!
I heard the deserts are out?
Missy: Well yes they are, they are on the table behind you.
Shane: Well where are the plates?
And once he found his food, he walked away a very satisfied customer.

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