Thursday, July 7, 2016

Phone Download July 2016

 Shane and Daddy taking a selfie photo.
 One Saturday we didn't have soccer so we drove to Salem to the Peabody Essex Museum. And what visit to Salem is complete without a visit to BeerWorks? Daddy above with Jackson.Mommy and Shane below. Daddy has started letting Shane and Jackson have Orange Soda and they love it!

 On the Salem common there was an outside exhibit of these larger than life Bird's Nests. Shane and Jackson had a great time playing in them. Shane above, Jackson below.

 I came home from work one day to see the Family Room Window open and Jackson Climbing through the window! Shane was outside "Cooking" they were playing restaurant. The main menu item was wheat thins with golden cheese. Nana was their primary customer. Nana auditioned as an extra for a local movie and her line as a waitress was going to be - "Hi What will you have?" So the boys were saying that to us.
 Jackson implemented "Game Night" on Tuesdays this spring. Here are the boys playing Sorry, it was certainly fun but they wanted to play by their rules which made it a tad difficult for Daddy and I :-)
Jackson loves his melon and Shane in the Addidas sweatshirt from Trish that he loves.
 Jackson wanted me to and specifically asked that i take a picture of him so I wouldn't forget what he looks like on my last business trip. Jackson in the front and Shane in the blue behind. Shane of course had to get in on the action!
 Mommy and Shane selfie.
 Sunday morning Art Lessons at the MFA. Mommy talked Daddy into taking a gallery tour- Daddy above in an Asia exhibit. Daddy loves to get his treats at the museum cafe so here we are at the cafe (below).

 Shane and Jackson loved the TechStyle exhibit at the MFA. there are buttons that you can press and the dresses light up!
 The art studio. and below falling asleep in the car. Shane left, Jackson right in green.

 After art class we went grocery shopping. And ever since they were little and would go to the store with Trish, they love bagging groceries. Daddy is trying to get in on the action above.
 Shane and Jackson each made me these beautiful Decoupage plates in aftercare for Mother's Day. They were wrapped with a card as well!
 Mommy selfie to send to the boys while I was stuck in an airport on a trip.
 Saturday fun after soccer at Nana's. After lunch we went to Dairy Dome and got slush. Jackson and Mommy above.
 Shane was invited to Asher's birthday party and Climb on or Rock On. Here is Shane with some of his friends Rock Climbing. Above Elijia and Shane. Below, Shane on the wall.

 Daddy decided while I was away on a business trip that Shane and Jackson needed their own tablets! Mommy is not a fan, here they are above on the first day they got the tablets. They are certainly quite but I do not like how isolating they are!
 My Boys being creative in the early hours of the morning. Jackson wanted to make a robot man out of paper. Above, Shane left, Jackson Right.

 Playing basketball before school.

 One day at Soccer, Keith was hanging out with the littles. Above- Lennon and Teddy talking about monsters with Keith.
 Birthday Party at the Trampoline Park. Above Jackson in deep conversation with Ben. The place is fun and it has video games which Jackson LOVES!

 Jackson playing the wheel of Fortune with Michael.
 Town Day 2016 Belmont. Jackson above, Shane below. They were literally climbing the poles in Belmont Center.

 Our Beloved Snowball. As he gets older (Almost 15 years) he spends more time sitting on the couch barking at nothing and when he gets down he sometimes walks into the wall, we love him none the less. Jackson has taken a particular affection towards Snowball in recent months and always wants to play with him but Snow isn't much into playing these days.

 Mommy and Nana went to see Swan Lake in the Spring of 2016.
 Shane and Jackson love star wars and they love their cousins, they especially talk about Zach all of the time. Here they are drawing a star wars picture for Zach. If  I remember correctly, they drew some droids and a Melinnium Falcon ship for Zach. Their cousins were thinking of coming to Boston this summer and the boys asked if Zach was a big boy? I said Yes, and all of a sudden they got very concerned, especially Jackson that Zach might be too old and not want to play with them anymore. I assured him that Zach would still play basketball with them.

 Crazy Hair Day at the Wellington School- 2016, 1st grade. Jackson loves getting his photo taken and was all smiles. Mommy drove them to school on this morning and learned that they like to yell out the car window to all of their friends as we drive past. Below Jackson's fake smile and in the background you can see Shane and his onsie ( Yes, he is 7 and still has his onsie).

 For Memorial Day 2016 we visited York Maine. We drove up on Saturday after our Soccer Game. It basically rained the entire long weekend, but there was an indoor pool and an indoor arcade that we visited. The pool was the biggest hit! and of course we got Room Service one night and the boys thought it was great! We stayed at the Stage Gate Inn in York Maine.

 Above: Shane and Mommy. Below- Daddy and Jackson.

 Jackson loves to dress up as a Star Wars fighter. Above and below here he is in his get up. A little tough to see but he wears a mask and puts his nerf guns all around his waist and wears a wrist band thing that he talks into. He then sets up his "Command Station" in his bedroom while staying in this get up. He puts the play computers on tables and puts a chair in there and pretends that he is driving a space ship. One day Jackson was so into this outfit he went outside and down to Andy's house and over to Braiden's in this outfit. The boys, of course thought it was awesome!

 Shane loves his crafts! Here he is making a scarf thing. We sent these picutres to Uncle Adam in London since we couldn't mail it over at 5am on a school Day :-)

 Nana and Mommy heard Mandy Patkin at Symphony Hall. We went out for Sushi before hand.

 Shane got a Staff infection on his leg- above at Dr. Yogman's. He is 7 but at this moment he looked so little playing at the train table.
 The boys are obsessed with Money! So one Saturday after soccer we went to the bank in the center and counted all of our money and brought it up to the window for a deposit.
 The end of 1st grade Learning Celebration at the Wellington School. Above, Jackson showing Nana his work.
 Shane of course didn't want to get his photo taken. But here is a side shot of him and his work.

 Jackson showing off his work about a Butterfly.
 Jackson and his very patient First Grade Teacher Miss. Nyanzi.

 Shane above on the last day of school.
 Jackson on the last day of 1st grade.

 Doesn't Shane look happy to be starting the summer! This was the last day of school photo.

 Jackson and Truman at a Birthday Party.
 Green team 1st Grade Soccer team. Shane and Jackson liked the social part of Soccer this year. They liked Snack time and playing Goal. Jackson was famous for yelling over to the Coach during the game "Hey Coach" did you see that?
Daddy didn't coach this season.

 The annual end of season party at Commell'as. And Shane asleep in the car afterwards.

 Another Stoneham Saturday. Daddy came out to meet us at the 99 for dinner AND he let the boys have soda!

 Mommy and Jackson

 Shane eating his ice cream sandwich at the 99.
 More photos from Sunday Morning art lessons.

 Jackson heading into the European Art Gallery standing next to a Glass exhibit.

 Father's Day at the MFA. Shane (In hat) Daddy and Jackson.

 Summer Vacation 2016- Laconia NH. Playing at the Lake!
 Mommy and her boys. Jackson Left, Shane Right.

 Ice Cream at the Dockside in Meredith NH. Jackson, Daddy and Shane,
 Jackson and Mommy.
 Playing cars at the beach with new friends.

 The Karate class. This year the boys stayed at green belts but they earned a few stripes. To help them grow and concentrate more they were advanced into the older class with some brown belts. Here they are with Shion (sp? ) Bobby and class. Shane far left and Jackson being a goof holding his belt.
 Shane and Nana doing puzzles on vacation. Nana comes to NH with us every year.
Below: The boys started fishing this summer in NH! Jackson caught 2 fish in one day and we are hopeful that Shane will have the same luck. The boys were going through worms like crazy and breaking their rods so much so that Daddy went back to the tackle store 3 times in one day!He is a good daddy.

 Jackson left, Shane right (For once Shane is Smiling) at the Mills in Meredith NH.
Below, Jackson wanted this Horse painting. It was a beautiful painting and a very expensive one at that so this photo will have to suffice for now.

 Nana and Shane . Our 2016 Visit to Story Land. Jackson left, Shane right. In all of these photos Jackson has the whale shirt and Shane the Zebra shirt.

 Shane and Daddy went on this water ride and Jackson and I watched from the observation deck. Here is Jackson peeking through the floor boards of the observation deck yelling down to Daddy. While Daddy and Shane were on the ride Jackson got a splinter from the railing and .... well let's just say that was a scene. Mommy couldn't get the splinter out but Andy at First Aide was successful. Jackson decided that he was too old for a batman band aide and went for a plain big boy bandage. He was fine!

 The Famous BALL PIT! "This is epic" and they love it in there.

 Mommy went on the Roarasaurus Rollercoaster with the boys a few times. Daddy Sat that ride out. And here we are on one of the benches, the boys each one a prize at a game as well. There are dinosaur's throughout the park area and they move and make noises and both boys were in awe of the sculptures even at their age. Shane loved the rollercoaster so much that he and I went on it again and he didn't want me to hold his hand.

 Daddy won a prize at Story Land, he filled out a card and won two free tickets to the park!
 The boys love this park area and still look into the tree to see the little fairy house. I love that they still love it.

 Shane and Jackson are tall enough to ride their own swans

 The EPIC water boat ride. they were soaked and loved every minute of it!

 Photos from the end of 1st grade field trip to Franklin Park Zoo. Daddy was a chaperone.

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