Monday, August 29, 2016

Weekend Report

We had a good weekend, Daddy had to work at CIC so it was mommy time.
The normal swimming at the pool and playing at the park and yesterday we took a ride over to Nana's house. Jackson was watering the garden and got stung by a bee. Oh the drama! Jackson was screaming ( I know a bee sting can hurt) and came running into the house we put ice on the sting and it seemed to resolve. When we got home to Belmont the drama continued and Jackson went to bed (6 hours later) with ice on his ankle. He was back and forth between tears and conversation. At one point he said, I don't like those evil bees. I wish butterflies could pollinate the plants instead! Those evil bees, I'm never going to water Nana's plants again". Jackson ended up sleeping with mommy and horsey and snowball and the pictures of the horse farm and this morning all was well with the world and the sting was gone.

This morning the boys were magicians and playing card games, coin games and ring games. It was cute to see them playing and being excited about play. No electronics in the morning!
School starts next Wed for our second graders Shane and Jackson.

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