Thursday, December 30, 2010

Fun things around the bryant household

New things going on at the Bryant household:
Both boys are getting taller and more proficient with their language every day.
Last night they pushed chairs around the house for 45 minutes and then played blocks- it was very cute to watch.

We went over to the Nardone's yesterday and Jackson was with the older boys and they all got into the cookies so Jackson had his first taste of chocolate yesterday with Jake, Josh and Caelib.

Both Jackson and Shane love to sit at the island and do anything up there. We visited A. Val this week and they got some puzzles and they love to do the puzzles up there! While we were at A. Val's house the boys found a box of shredded paper and A. Val said it was O.K. if the boys threw the paper out- Bad Idea! we ended up with shredded paper all over the house! the Kitchen floor was covered- they certainly had fun doing it and it kept them occupied for the better part of an hour but what a mess to clean up!

Mommy goes back to work

Trish is our nanny and we love her and she loves the kids. A few weeks ago Trish had immigration problems and was arrested! So we have been without childcare for 3-4 weeks so mommy and daddy rotated days off. Mommy hasn't been home with us for this long since we were babies so going back to work next week will be hard for everyone. Mommy has definitely enjoyed the time with Shane and Jackson and was just really getting into the swing of things as a stay at home and now it is time to go back to work :-( Happy New year Shane and Jackson!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

First Snow

Today was the first snowfall of the year. Mommy is home with us for a few weeks so she took us outside to play. Mommy thinks it took longer to get us dressed than we actually spent outside but we had fun none the less. Jackson really enjoyed the snow and he was throwing it and helping me shovel. Shane didn't like it as much- he sat on the stairs and continued to say Up.
We'll see what tomorrow brings when Uncle Jay and Aunt Kate visit.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Grocery Shopping with Daddy

Last night was our holiday party and Santa came to visit- Shane and Jackson were not very keen on Santa- they wouldn't go near him. The party was fun, none the less.

This morning Keith said that he would take the boys grocery shopping. I said, are you sure? Keith's reply: "I can do anything with the two of them" so off they went to the grocery store. When Keith gets home with the boys, they are soaking wet and Shane has a big bump on his head- I asked- what happened? Keith proceeds to tell me the following story: when they arrived at the grocery store all of the carts were wet from the rain so he had to bring the boys into the store and ask for paper towels to wipe the cart off, into the cart the boys go. It turns out that Keith bumped into a guy from the gym and they were talking and Keith's friend said I guess your boys really like margarine hugh? Keith thought nothing of it until a few minutes later when he realized how quiet they had been and he looks down and both Shane and Jackson have their own tub of margarine and are eating it by the handful! So now they are wet, and have margarine all over their face and hands and who knows how much they really ate- Keith had to get more paper towels to clean them up. Then they were going down another isle and Shane fell out of the carage- he was low to the ground in one of the double car carages but still he fell out and was on the floor with his hands up in the air crying- I guess it was a pretty funny scene. I'm not writing this to make fun of Keith what so ever but more because I think it is cute and if it happened to me, I probably would have left the store without any groceries and Keith came home with the groceries and two kids. Love ya Keith!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Talking cont.

Shane said his name and Jackson this morning!
Things are getting exciting around here!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Words and other fun things

Shane and Jackson are getting more proficient with their words.
Shane is very good at putting two sounds together- for example, ELMO- he will say the entire word.
Jackson will only say the first part of some words- he will say EL for Elmo but will put two words together.
Last night when Jackson got into the bath tub he said "cold"- too cute!

It is fun and amazing to watch them develop into their own little people! I just want to squeeze them all day long but for the most part, they don't want to be held very much these days.

Both Jackson and Shane know how to blow bubbles in their milk.
We were looking at photographs this morning and Shane would study each photo intensely and tell you who was in the photo-especially if it was Daddy in the photo.
The boys LOVE going to Grandma's house and having lunch at her coffee table- it is the perfect set up for two year old boys.
Shane now says Mine whenever he sees daddy's telephone.
If you tell the boys to be gentle with Snowball they will give snowball a hug and try to kiss them, for the most part snowball is responsive.
Jackson is really getting into books- he sat next to Nana the other day and read books on his own.
I came home from work last night and both boys were sitting at the island with Nana- Shane building a very tall block tower and Jackson "reading" a magazine. Nana told me that they had hot dogs with some mustard on the side for lunch. Shane was so excited that he dipped his cucumber into the mustard and proceeded to eat it but with LOTS and LOTS of cute little faces that Nana didn't know someone could make- I guess cucumbers and mustard don't taste very good together.

The Christmas Season is upon us

Well the Christmas season is upon us and our home is filled with Christmas trees and lights and oh what fun this is for Shane and Jackson. All of the ornaments have been moved WAY up to the top of the tree because they love to pull everything off the tree- even the kid friendly ornaments have been ripped apart so we don't have many left, but that's O.K. Last night Shane was playing with the lights saying "No touch", "Hot" but he proceeded to play with them regardless of what was asked of him and then of course Jackson joined in on the fun. Auntie and Uncle Christopher sent some gifts via the mail and of course the box was the best part (sorry Auntie). The amazon box was big enough for both boys to fit in and kick and laugh and kept them entertained for the better part of two whole days! Inside the box were these cool little seats that spin but the boys aren't too certain about them just yet. Daddy's big Christmas party is this weekend so they will get to see Santa.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Children's Museum- Sunday

Winter is here, in fact today it is snowing out- it is cold outside, almost too cold to go out and play. So in lieu of the dog park, we went to the Children's Museum. Shane and Jackson had a great time- playing with everything and running around - we ended our visit in the Peeps section- AKA Water Table Room- the boys were getting wet and playing- no big deal until Shane decided to pour water over his head- he (and a few other kids we did not know) thought it was a blast and they all started doing it. Needless to say the other parents were not happy about this.
We changed clothes, had lunch, stopped by a job site with daddy and headed home.

Shane fell asleep in the car so we could forget about a nap later on from him, and Jackson just didn't want to take a nap. So, during "nap time" they were laughing and having a great time, I went in to their room to tell them to settle down and found: Jackson with no clothes on and Shane fully clothed with Jackson's socks on his hands leaning over the edge of his crib playing "sock puppets" with Jackson. It was funny mayhem! We ended the day at Nana Sue's for dinner- the boys proceeded to tear apart her house in the few hours we were there.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Learning to Talk

Shane and Jackson are learning to talk and are picking up more words every day.
This morning when we came down stairs Jackson said "Where Whoof Whoof?" translation- where is snowball? Shane's favorite words are Mine and No (today that is).

Sunday, November 14, 2010

First Haircut

Shane Before his haircut.
Shane during his haircut (he shed a few tears).

Shane after his haircut.

This weekend the boys finally had their first haircut. After two years their hair was getting long and the cute curls started to fall out. Here are some photos of the big morning at Snipits for Kids.

Jackson after his haircut

Jackson during his haircut

Jackson before the haircut.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Mommy's night

Daddy had to work late last night so it was "mommy time". We had a blast, I love my solo time with my boys. We read some books (see above photo)- the boys had fun bringing me every book from the shelf and running back and forth laughing while they brought me books- cleaning up wasn't so easy. We played with Elmo and Cookie Monster- Jackson likes to wrap them in a blanket and put them to "bed" in the clementine box :-). While we don't watch any television at home we do let the boys watch a little Sesame Street on the iPad. Shane and Jackson love the iPad- they run to the cabinet and Jackson says Elmo, Elmo. We watch about 10 minutes of Sesame Street and sometimes play the piano app- Shane knows how to get to the piano app on his own. Of course at 7pm the boys race each other up the stairs, brush their teeth and wash their hands, get in PJ's, read stories and off to bed. Lets not forget that they fight for mommy's lap during the story time part. They have gotten better settling down in the crib, I give them a kiss and we say good night and now are new little routine is that when I turn off the lights, they both make kissing sounds- they want me to go back and give them one more kiss before they go to sleep- I don't mind, I'll give them kisses for as long as they willl take them! Sleep tight little guys- mommy loves you.

Our neighbors had some construction done on thier home and Jackson and Shane found it very interesting to watch!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween! We had an eventful Halloween weekend with trick or treating in Cusing Square Belmont and then the actual Trick or Treating on Halloween night.

Shane and Jackson carved a pumpkin with Trish and Shane really enjoyed that- he stood up on the chair and dug his hands in- Jackson did not like it so much- I don't think he liked the texture of the pumpkin insides. I also took the boys for a ride in the wagon and we looked at pumpkins and ghosts- Jackson loves to say Boo when ever he sees a ghost.

Trick or Treating: well Jackson caught onto the trick or treating very quickly and had no issue walking up and picking candy out of a bowl- in fact he would talk to himself on the way "up" the stairs stating up, up, up. Shane on the otherhand- wanted to be carried and cried some of the time but he looked pretty cute as Eagor and chasing after Keith to be picked up. We went to 6 houses and I think that the boys had fun.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

more photos

More photos from Aunties Visit

Auntie comes to visit and A. Ru's 100th Birthday!

Auntie Kristin came to Belmont to help celebrate A. Ru's 100th Birthday which meant we got to play with her! Auntie stayed at our house and Nana Sue also came over to play, we had a great time at the park. In some of the Photos Jackson has a black eye- b/c he fell in the bathroom on night while washing his hands. Here are some photos of the fun at the park.

Happy 2nd Birthday!

Dear Shane and Jackson-

Happy Birthday my little guys! I can’t believe that you are two years old, time has passed so quickly!

You are getting bigger every day and pretty soon you will not be able to stand under the island like you do today! Talking is coming along and every week you seem to have another word or two. (working with Ms. Anita and Ms. Jen from Early Intervention is helping in the speech department). You both love to play and especially jump up and down on any surface. Washing hands has become a favorite thing- well you just like to play with the water but I like to think that you are washing your hands. We had visits from Auntie Kristin this month and your cousins Katie, Abby and Zach were here in September for Uncle Jay’s wedding. (By the way you both like to walk around the house with your cousins photo). This year has been full of beautiful days, in the summer we enjoyed the water table in the back yard and we did have a few outings to the beach- the big hit was the spray park at beaver brooke- we went almost every weekend and many a week night after supper. Trish is a GREAT nanny and takes you to the park or the library every day! Now that fall is here the water table is getting less and less use and we are playing in the leaves a bit more and before we know it snow will be on the ground! Most recently we helped your Great Grande Auntie Ru celebrate her 100th birthday! Plus you have been busy going to other kids birthday parties this month as well.

Jackson- you are a strong willed little guy. You know what you want and will make noise until you either 1.) Get what you want or 2.) Get a time out. You have occasionally taken to biting the other person (Particularly your brother) when you don’t get what you want but you follow up the bite with a hug which is very cute to watch. Your newest thing Jackson, is taking mommy or daddy’s hand to show them what you want- be it milk, putting on shoes or just walking in the other room, you love to hold hands. Your curly hair and smile while holding hands warms the cockles of my heart- as A. Ru would say. You love to read books and have most recently started to squirm onto mommy’s lap at random times with a book to read. Your favorite book hands down in the Vegetable ABC book- you want to read this every night!

Shane, like your brother you are a smiley little one. You love your sleep and sometimes when you are tired you walk over to your crib and pat the mattress as to say please let me go to sleep, there are many a morning where Jackson will be standing up in the crib yelling and you are sounds asleep with your arms folded – too cute! In addition to your smiles you can also pull out the tears very quickly when you don’t get something that you want, this sometimes results in a time out (which you don’t seem to mind). You have figured out that if you say please or as you say PEASE (and you say it squinting your eyes with a big smile) you get want you want faster. You love to give kisses and hugs and have started to play more on independently- you can play for a good 5 to 10 minutes on your own with a toy. I think one of your favorite things to do is the ride on toys- you love to ride around the house and say beep beep.

You are both very smart little boys and mommy and daddy cherish every second we have with you. I can’t believe that we have made it through 24 months of parenthood and growing up! I am not pretending to know what we are doing but we seem to be getting along pretty well. You are mommy’s sun, moon and stars. Happy 2nd Birthday Shane and Happy 2nd Birthday Jackson!

All my love-


Sunday, October 10, 2010

stoneham get together

Last week the stoneham girls got together with families. It was a busy house but we had a blast. Shane and Jackson were the smallest guys there (Cheryl and Ethan couldn't make it) so they just ran around watching all of the other kids wrestle with daddy and have a crazy time! Jackson especially enjoyed seeing is Godmother, Kim. (I'd post some photos but something is up with the camera so they will have to wait).

We went to our first birthday party!

Jackson and Shane went to their friends birthday party yesterday and oh what fun we had. Owen and Cole also turn two this month so we went to Arlington for a little celebration. Yes, there were lots of twins and older kids there as well. Happy Birthday and Owen and Cole- Jackson and Shane really didn't "play" with any other kids but they did have great time going down the slide and then leaving the party to go into the front yard to look at their dog, Sophie.

Hopefully this will be the first of many birthday parties they attend, in fact we have two more next week. Jackson and Shane will have their own party at the end of the month.

We are still slow to speak but Jackson has perfected the word "up" and in fact both boys have figured out how to climb up to the island, they like to watch U Tube up there. It is getting crazy around here.

This morning we did our weekly trip to the dog park and they boys both climbed up a big hill in the "forest" with daddy- they are getting very adventerous. As always, we had a great time with Sandy, Dale and our pet friends Charile and snowball.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Jackson and tools

So we have a little toy that blows balls in the air and it has provided great entertainment to the boys over the last two years. As they have gotten older they like to put things in the toy so it gets "Clogged" with toys and it has to be cleaned out. So today Jackson brought the toy over to Nana Sue to have her Clean it out and when she told Jackson that she couldn't get everything out, daddy will need to fix it with a screwdriver, Jackson walked away as if he was going to get another toy. Well Jackson came back to Nana with the toy screwdriver to fix the toy! Never under estimate what a child can understand!

Thursday, September 23, 2010


We started gymnastics today and oh what fun we had! Mommy and Trish took us, one adult to one child and now we understand why. The adult had to hold us as we jumped on trampolines, climbed on mats and bars and tumbled down little hills- we had so much fun we can't wait to go back next week.

We just went to bed and tonight we unrolled an entire roll of paper towels in the bathroom before mommy could catch us- we left her a mess to clean up, but we don't think she will mind. Daddy took us to the gym for a little while tonight and we ran around in front of the mirrors and had a blast. Tonight was hot outside so we wore summer PJs to bed and Shane wanted to wear is long winter PJs with a snap so that he could sniff the little snap as he likes to do. He was crying when for a bit when he understood that he couldn't wear those winter PJs in this summer like heat!

Tomorrow Nana is coming over for the entire day to play with us! We are excited but we miss our Grandma Nancy and hope that she is feeling better soon to come play with us! We are falling asleep as mommy is writing this and now we are sleeping, until tomorrow...

Monday, September 20, 2010

Uncle Jay and Auntie Kate's wedding

This weekend was the wedding and it was great! There were people from all over the country there and we had fun for the 2 hours that we were there. Here are some photos from the big day- more will follow.

Wedding Preparations

The wedding is finally here and we are all excited to celebrate! Our cousins came into town and on Thursday night mommy and daddy had everyone to our house for a pizza party and Birthday cake- Auntie, Uncle Chris and Daddy all had celebrations. Mommy gave daddy a really cool chef hat that says "Little Dragon". On Friday we played with our cousins at home and went to the park, it was crazy fun!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

how long does it take?

How long does it take to do things at our house? Well, that all depends.
Tearing apart the playroom: 2 minutes
Getting dressed: 5-15 minutes
Eating a meal: 0-20 minutes- it depends if the boys want to eat
Get dirty: 1 minute

Tearing apart the playroom is really the one that got me last night. Trish had straightened the playroom perfectly, everything was put away in its spot. The boys came down from their nap and literally within 2 minutes the room was trashed. Jackson got into the diapers and threw them all over the room then we would clean them up only to be thrown again. Shane was destructo man himself- climbing up on the toy step shelf: step by step throwing everything off each step- crash- he would smile, Bang- he would laugh, Bang - he would laugh more and then Jackson wanted a piece of the action. Mommy tried the time outs but it didn't work. They certainly had fun though last night! Now, if i can only get them to have that much enthusiasm to brush their teeth!

Monday, September 6, 2010

labor day weekend

Jackson and Shane have been very very active this weekend! we have played at the park and jumped off of everything! at home we have our little flappy ducks that Mike and Tanya brought us from the Chech Republic and we love those! We like to play with them PLUS they make great swords to hit everything with! (Mommy doesn't like the sword part, she takes them away from us).

When we get up in the morning we have started to jump up and down in our cribs and we like to yell and rattle the crib more and more every day- mommy thinks it will be pretty soon that we are able to crawl out of the crib- who hoo for us! not so much for mommy and daddy. We are both babbling a lot- not too many words but we have mastered Please, and whoof whoof for dogs. Speaking of dogs, at the dog park yesterday we were able to throw rocks- daddy thinks it is good for us to explore and be adventure hounds so he will let us do almost anything! Even play with big dogs we don't know- he doesn't mind, mommy on the other hand, gets a little nervous with the rocks and big dogs, but daddy says that she'll get over it.

We now play with Lego's, mega forms and our all time favorite Mr. Potato Head. This morning we figured out how to move the coffee table that is up against the fireplace so we can hide back there. It is a great spot to take things to and make a mess. Mommy made us a yummy breakfast this morning- eggs and toast and we were eating just fine, but as soon as daddy came in the kitchen it was play time- the food went on the floor and we laughed and laughed. Mommy did give us some yogurt and let us eat by ourselves, everything was fine until Shane put the yogurt on his head and before mommy could blink- Jackson did the same thing! it was CRAZY.

We have to go to the grocery store again today because Grandma, Grandpa and Nana are coming for a BBQ this afternoon and we lost the cucumber for the salad yesterday. But no worries, Jackson and Shane got into the apples before we could put them away and started eating the apples whole- which is much better than trying to eat a whole onion- (which is what we tried yesterday) yuck!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Shane's Tuesday Night

Shane has started to walk backwards and he smiles while he is doing it- he likes to walk backwards for some reason- Jackson has no interest.

Tonight while wrestling Shane stood up on the arm of the couch and of course as I went to grab him he fell to the floor- he was crying and while I was holding him Jackson came over and pat his back- oh, isn't that sweet?

Sunday, August 22, 2010

family reunion

This weekend was Daddy's family reunion and boy was it fun! Shane and Jackson had a great time running all around and playing with their cousins Desiree and Nicholas. However their favorite part was playing in Grandma's cooler and taking the beer and wine out - it was very cute to see two little backs and heads in the cooler playing with the ice and anything they could get their hands on.

Tonight Shane and Jackson had a CRAZY bath and got daddy very wet, but afterwards they seemed to calm down. They played with their snow globes from Grandma for about a half hour and were very gentle with them. We read some stories and off to sleepy land. We are trying to be more calm around bed time because we know that they are both trying to climb out of their cribs and after that they will be in a bed- Oh NO! how will we keep them contained and in their own bed? I guess we will worry about that one another day.

Another fun weekend is over boys. Mommy and Daddy love you.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Thursday Night

Tonight we had mac-n-cheese with broccoli- the boys believe it or not ate it all! after supper we just played. Shane ran around in his diaper yelling MaMAMAMAMAMA and then Jackson followed suite yelling the same thing- they look cute running- they are slightly ding toed and run with their arms swinging at the waist- adorable. We played in the box, climbed on daddy and threw dirty dishes into the sink. Daddy is at the gym so it was just mommy for bed time- no big deal except for story time when they fight for my lap and cry when they don't get it- Jackson was especially emotional tonight. Sleep tight little guys and don't let the bed bugs bite :-)

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Saturday at Sandy Beach in Winchester

We finally made it to Sandy Beach at Mystic Lake in Winchester! Nana has wanted to take Shane and Jackson there since they were born and today we experienced it- wow! it was a nice little sandy beach in which the boys could play at in and out of the water, we had a picnic lunch on the bench and it was a perfect day. Thank you to Nana for introducing us to Sandy Beach and we look forward to bringing daddy with us next time.

Today we also drove our cozy coupe cars around the block and that was more fun than the beach, we think. Mommy and Daddy each pushed one of us and we just got to look around and yell beep beep- we even met our neighbor that we talk through the trees to. Since we play with our water table so much the back yard is nice and green and gets muddy very easily. We average about three headers per day while playing outside and tonight Shane was running with water slipped in the mud and slide a few feet in the mud- he was DIRTY and Scared to say the least but he did look pretty cute covered in mud from head to toe- literally. But nothing that a bath can't clean up. Sleep tight my little boys. mommy and daddy love you.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Mommy's week off

So mommy had this week off from work because our Nanny Trish (who we love) was on vacation. We did lots of things this week and spent time with Mommy and Daddy, Grandma and Nana as well. One day we went to the Children's museum with Nana and one night we went to the spray park with Nana. Here are some photos- Jackson on the slide at Beaver Brooke. Shane in the green shirt at Beaver Brooke. We love the spray park and would go every day if mommy and daddy would take us. On Friday Grandma came over with donut holes and we played at the water table all day- it was great!

This weekend we went to Drumlin Farm during the day, came home and had a nap then we went to the Ocean! This was our second trip to the ocean, last year we went to essex and to Woodmans for supper, this year we went to Revere and Kelly's for supper (with the seagulls of course). Drumlin farm was lots of fun, the boys ran all over the place and loved the wooden egg exhibit in the chicken house, they liked talking to the sheep and what visit would be complete without a hay ride?

Our trip to the ocean was great. We had Kelly's for supper and had lots of sand to eat as well, and Shane and Jackson loved the ocean water- it was low tide and the water was kind of warm so they had no problem getting wet! They both got a taste of the ocean water and loved to run back up to the sidewalk every 10 minutes, only to be carried back down to the ocean by daddy.

visiting a. ru

Every sunday (well almost) we go to visit A. Ru. Last week she was in especially high spirits and we had a great time. If we are lucky, we can sit in the library on the first floor with the birds and visit and Shane and Jackson can run around and tear the place a part- they especially like taking all of the books off the books shelves and throwing them- Jackson has picked out some good books this way. Of course snowball comes with us. Snowball can come up to the floor to get A. Ru and everyone loves to see him but the boys wait in the library. Here are some photos of A. Ru with the boys.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

remember the days

Remember the days when
Going to bed meant that my two little baby boys would crawl around the chair in their bedroom chasing each other, laughing and laughing?
When you started to crawl you couldn't make it over the door threshold in the kitchen because it was too big.
The two of you would look out the window and yell at the cars going by.
You liked to brush your teeth.
You first held your bottle.
You used to take naps in the swing. (Shane with the yellow blanket and yellow duck, Jackson with the green blanket and frog.)
You wore little helmets to help shape your head.
You were so small you could squirm out of your onsies.
Now you are climbing up and down the stairs, playing at water tables and jumping off furniture!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

July 14 I love my boys

Dear Shane and Jackson-
Today was a crazy day at work and you two were being little monsters- you continued to climb on the window sill and jump onto the chair and you just discovered how to climb onto your kids table to turn the light switch on and off- you were definitely busy. Oh, did I mention biting each other for a spot at the window?

But going to bed tonight you were little angels- literally. We were, well I was trying to get you to brush your teeth and you got under the sink- that was fun but you found some paper towels- i gave you each one and you pretended to CLEAN! You walked around the hall and your room wiping everything down- this kept you busy for a good 10 minutes. Then Shane thought it would be fun to wipe the dirty cloth all over mommy's face and then Jackson joined in and then you decided to eat the cloth and you thought it was the funniest thing- you both had the deepest laughs! We read books and you each patiently waited a turn for mommy's lap- Jackson wanted to read the big truck book and Shane had goodnight moon. Jackson played with the orange ball trying to find it in my hands and Shane just laughed.

When i put you to bed (almost 8pm because we were having so much fun) you didn't want to go but you each took a book and off you went. Jackson tried to throw a stuffed animal into the crib- throw 1- the monkey, didn't make it in. Throw 2-Shane's yellow duck, didn't make it in. After looking around for a while he found his green frog and that didn't make it in- but it was cute how you tried each animal once. Jackson, when you were going into the crib I was holding you and you got in real close and put the book over our heads and just smiled and gave me a kiss.

Thank you both for a fun night. I love you. Love mommy.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Uncle jay and auntie Kate visit

Uncle Jay and Auntie Kate came to Boston to plan their wedding and stayed with us. It was great because we got to see Uncle Jay and Auntie Kate every day!

Uncle Jay played with us outside in our very own water park (haha) and it was great! Even snowball had fun. Here is Jackson with Uncle Jay playing Playdo.

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