Friday, March 26, 2010

Grandma and Nanna Fridays

Fridays at the Bryant house are for Grandma and Nana. Grandma Nancy comes in the morning and Nana Sue comes in the afternoon. Today it is snowing so Grandma wore her hat and winter coat- which meant her keys were in the coat pocket. It didn't take Jackson more than a few minutes (walking around with one shoe) to find Grandma's jacket and pull it to the floor. When the keys fell out he was excited and started yelling! Shane was right behind him- but keys are for emergency situations because 1. the boys love playing with them 2. it calms them down and 3. they open all the doors to Grandma's car! So the keys will have to wait but in the meantime the boys wore Grandma's hat.

Jackson likes to feel people's faces so he has started to poke you in the eye- he likes the squishy feel and then the nose- but he only likes the nose when a nose makes noise- so be prepared if you play with Jackson and he touches your nose - it needs to beep :-)

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