Friday, July 1, 2011

Jackson- 32 months June 2011

Dear Jackson,
My little Jackson Reid you aren't so little anymore. You are getting taller and love to wear your elmo socks, sneakers and baseball hat backwards a lot! Your vocabulary is coming along and you have more words every day but you still like to express your emotions by crying a bit too often- you can cry at the drop of a hat and then in two minutes you are running around smiling and laughing! Shane sometimes will ask me with his head tilted- Mommy why Jackson cry?

You have taken a liking to getting up very early- some days you wake up at 4:45 am! That is a bit early for mommy and daddy- when you wake up you try to wake Shane up and then you go to the door and yell- Moommmy, Moommy wake up! Sometimes you open the door and you are very proud of yourself and you coming running into our room saying "I open the door" wake up. You have also started to bring your own clothes down stairs to get dressed- you would wear winter clothes every day if I let you (and I don't) and you like to "help" make breakfast and do the dishes. When you want to do the dishes you stress mommy out because you really make a mess and get water all over the place, but you certainly love to do the dishes!

On the friend front, Trish keeps you very busy and some of your new friends are Kelly and Aiden- they come over, make cookies and play outside with you. Next fall I think you will make more friends as you start pre-school two days per week. Some of your favorite things remain playing outside- you can now undo the gate and make your way downstairs to the door on your own! Mommy is not a fan of this and we have to keep the doors locked at all times so that you can't get out. Riding bikes and wearing your helmet are another favorite- sometimes you wear your bike helmet around the yard but most often you like to "ride your bike" up to the corner to look at the diggers at the construction sites on our street. Pooh bear and your doggy at times are almost permanent attachments to you- you carry them all over the house with you and try to feed them etc.

Uncle Adam and Uncle Dave got married this month- it was a big event for them and for the family at large- Congratulations to them! You attended the wedding and played with the bubbles and balls while you were there. You cried during the ceremony but aside from that you had fun. Your cousins- Zach, Abby and Katie came to Boston for the wedding as well and you had great fun playing with them! They have been gone for a month and you still ask for them- even this morning you wore a Harvard shirt and you said- Zach wear this shirt? because Zach wore a Harvard shirt like yours one day. While they were here we went on a Duck Tour around Boston and you liked the boat and we went to the beach- you loved going in the water and playing with the sand. One day when we went to the zoo you rode the little train and LOVED it- you had a huge grin on your face the entire time!

For Father's Day we had Nana, Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Adam and Uncle Dave over for a BBQ- daddy got a new sprinkler and you and your brother had a great time in it- you got soaking wet and loved every second of it. We made daddy a shirt with your hand prints on it for his present and he loved it. You now know your ABCs and love to sing them often- at the end of the song you always clap and cheer yeah!

You are mommy's sun, moon and stars Jackson Reid and I love you will all of my heart and then some- you are a special little guy.
All my love-

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