Dear Jackson-
We have had a great summer thus far and you are more than half way to being four years old! Mommy can't believe it! I had some changes in my work situation so I have been home spending lots and lots of time with you which I will never forget or trade for anything! I have loved every minute of our time together, however, tomorrow I go back to work and we will be back to our regular schedule of morning and night time visits which makes me sad but that is our reality little guy.
You are growing up a lot these days and are very into how things work. You are especially interested in Shadows- what makes a shadow, what makes it move etc. As your pre-school teacher would say, you love to play imaginary games and "put our fires" something seems to be on fire in the house every day but don't worry- you put on your fire fighter outfit and put it out!
You and your brother have become very interested in super heros and everyone has to be batman. Your cousin Zach sent you a Batman back pack and you call it your batman "Pack back". Your other cute saying is you call anything yellow - banana. You have a lot of energy and I love that about you. We have taken a lot of day trips this summer so far, many of which have been with Nana- she loves you SOOOO much and has lots of fun playing with you. Some of the places we visited included Yorks Wild Animal Kingdom in York Maine, the Franklin park zoo, drumlin farm (of course), Trish took you to the Southwick zoo, lots of visits to the pool and to the beach. We joined the town pool this year and have made great use of our membership.
You love to jump into the water, wear your goggles (even if you are not in the water) and swim for things. You were pretty successful in swimming lessons this year so i think we will enroll you into the group class for the fall since you love the water so much.
I'm going to post a bunch more photos up onto the blog today but Daddy took you and your brother our this morning and I hear you coming in the door so I best be going to see how your day was. I love you Jackson Reid, you are mommy's sun, moon and stars, that means you are everything to mommy.
Love always-
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