Sunday, July 29, 2012

Summer Fun

We have had some really fun days this summer, play dates with friends at the park, zoo etc. here are some misc. photos from the summer that I thought everyone would like to see.
Playing tennis at the park.
 Southwick Zoo with thier best buddy.
 Jackson playing fire truck under the table.
 Uncle Chris's visit- Jackson loved to watch the video from the kids.
 Jackson at the park.
 Rides at Salem Willows- Shane loves to wave as he goes around and around.

 Shane and trish getting ready for the pool one day.
 Look, its a helicopter!
                                            Jackson on the firepole at a park in Stoneham.
                                                    Swimming at the pool.
                                                   Guarding the driveway with Nana.
                                                  Jackson and Daddy- Piggyback ride up stairs to bed.

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