Friday, August 8, 2014

August 2014

We have had a busy summer and mommy is very behind on this blog! Here are some recent photos of the boys. Today Nana came over to watch the boys and of course they made pancakes- Nana let's them sit on the island to stir the mixture!

 I came home from work yesterday and Shane and Jackson had been at the Arlington Boys and Girls Club Camp and Kids Festival all day- they were tired and were watching the iPad. The above picture shows them holding hands while they watched the iPad.
 This summer we have taken full advantage of the Payson Park Music festival- a band comes to the park and everyone plays and has a grande time. This soccer net stays up for the summer at the park and above is Jackson and Truman keeping goal . The other day some big kids were at the park playing soccer and Jackson asked if he could play because he was great at keeping goal. So the older kids generously let him play and of course the balls continued to go right past him and into the net! Jackson didn't mind though he just went and played at the park.
 Jackson and Truman climbing the big tree at payson park. Jackson was going a little too high for my liking.
 At the Wed. night Concerts someone brings stuff to make amazingly HUGE and ornate bubbles and the kids love it!

 Waiting for the concert to begin with friends.
 Shane in the little tree at Beaver Brooke.
 More Bubbles.
 We tried our hand at minature golf this summer- Shane and Jackson were through the course in about 15 minutes- we went to good old Hago Harrington's in Stoneham. Jackson in the blue shirt and Shane in Red. We also saw lots of bunnies while we played mini-golf.

This summer we started back at Beaver Brooke for Sunday walks at the Dog Park. The boys have been great- playing on their own while I walk snowball. Here they are throwing rocks into the brook.

Mommy finally met up with her friend Erica from College. Erica's son Marcus is the exact same age as Shane and Jackson- here they are at Payson Park. 

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