Sunday, August 17, 2014

Summer camps coming to a close

Shane and Jackson just finished a GREAT camp at Einstein's Workshop - they were in a lego and robotics program- they built amazing structures and put motors on them so that they would move- it was well worth the investment! This week is their last program at the Boys and Girls Club- Swimming Lessons in the deep end, they have really come a long way with the swimming and hopefully by next year they are ready for a swim team? They will continue on with the lessons this year as they go into kindergarten and Mommy thinks it is a great sport for them so fingers crossed.

Kindergarten starts in just a few weeks and our lives will really change. Trish is leaving us and we will have a new child care provider for the mornings, new school, new teachers, new friends, new after care program, Mommy's new job- lots of newness! But it is all good, we will roll  with the punches and embrace all of the change. But one thing is for certain, we will miss Trish!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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