Wednesday, January 28, 2015

School Vacation Winter 2014 activities

We had a great school vacation here at the Bryant household! We went to coco keys and played in the warm water- Nana and Grandpa joined us. We went to the lego brick exhibit at Fanuel Hall, visited Auntie Val and Uncle Terry, went to the kids museum played outside at habitat- it was great fun and we were all together!
Mommy and Shane in the car waiting for Jackson (he refuses to leave the park).
Coco Keys- of course we MUST wear our swim masks!
 Shane playing his new guitar he got from Santa Claus. Shane will start lessons with his music teacher at school in the coming weeks.
 Jackson at ice skating lessons. He is now able to GLIDE!
 Lego Land Discovery Zone in Somerville- we went with our friends Charlie, Teddy and their mom Molly. It was  a little loud and overstimulating but still a lot of fun.
 Trish came over one night to help us make gingerbread houses, trains and sleighs. It was great to see her as always.
 Shane got my phone one afternoon and took this picture of mommy.
Play Dough- this has been a big activity for us this winter. I think this day they made about 15 sundaes! 

 Playing piano at nana's house- one key at a time.
 Lego land
 Jackson at Lego land.
 Shane at ice skating lessons.

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