Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Winter time in Belmont MA- 2015

So far 2015 has been good to us. We got hit with our first Blizzard- they named it Juno. School has been closed for 2 days now and the boys LOVE being outside in the snow.  We have tried to visit with Andy but his mom told us to come back tomorrow when the snow isn't blowing sideways. We did however meet up with our Pal Eric as we tried sledding down the street. Sledding down the street wasn't too successful but they did have a great time making forts and just playing in the snow! We were outside for a large part of the day- a few times we came in to get warm and change our clothes then back out again. Shane made this very elaborate fort with tunnels and an overhang.

Sledding in the driveway. Shane Yellow Scarf. 

 Jackson was very proud of himself that he go on top of the mountain and then slid down!
 Jackson all smiles in the snow.
 What is a snowstorm without snow angels
 Jackson's fort in the back yard.
 The view from above.

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