Monday, May 11, 2015

Jackson's Art Work

While Shane was in the Hospital, Jackson went to Habitat camp Here are some pictures from Jackson's Nature journal:
 Picture of a Red Worm above and below: a tree with a bird.

 Jackson spent an entire morning making glitter glue pictures.
 What is worth to you more than Gold? Jackson's response was Mommy & Shane and I'm not sure what the third word is.

The New England Aquarium brought the tide pool exhibit to the Wellington School. Both the Brown Bears and the Purple Cats got to see it. Above is Jackson's picture from Aquarium Day: My favorite part of the aquarium was: "I Got to hold a Hermit Crab and something about Water". I liked it because: Horshoe crabs live.....And the bottom piece in blue is a picture of the hermit crab.

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