Friday, August 5, 2011

Circus & Katie

Our cousin Katie has been in Boston for 2 weeks and we LOVE having her stay with us! Jackson's favorite saying is "where is Katie? " even at 5am- where's Katie? Katie get up and read with me? No, Jackson, Katie is sleeping- Jackson: No, Katie get up! Everything is Katie, Katie , Katie!!!!

Katie and Grandma are taking Shane and Jackson to the circus today! It is the Circus Smirkus- hopefully they have fun. Personally, Mommy thinks that we might be a little too young for this adventure but we will see. A few weeks back we went to see the Whinnie the Pooh movie- it was really cute, we brought snacks and of course our Pooh stuffed animals. Shane was enamored with the film but Jackson just wanted to stand by the door and follow daddy out to get snacks etc. The boys did a great job and lasted about an hour through the movie and then it was definitely time to go home.

One of mommy's favorite Pooh quotes that reminds me of Shane and Jackson:
Pilglet slided up to Pooh from behind. "Pooh" , he wispered.
"Yes, Piglet?"
"Nothing" Said Piglet, taking Pooh's paw, "I just wanted to be sure of you."

Words continue to develop and thoughts do as well! All morning the boys have been saying we go to the circus! we go to the circus! During breakfast Jackson and Shane realized that the bananas were bad so they came to find me and tell me that the bananas or nanas as Jackson calls them are bad and I go to store to buy more. Mommy will stop by the store to pick up some fruit on the way home today. They still love playing in cardboard boxes! hiding and yelling in them, is a great past time!

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