Monday, August 22, 2011

is it monday yet?

We had a LONG weekend this week. No, it was not any longer in the number of days or hours it just seemed to last a LONG time. Shane and Jackson did not nap all weekend and hardly naped on Friday. On Friday during their "nap" the boys broke their bureau by pulling out a drawer and all of its hinges- we can't get it back in and they also removed ALL of thier clothing from both burueas and threw the clothes all over the floor- oh did I mention that they removed all of thier bed sheets as well? That day they fell asleep in front of the door.

Saturday- no nap- we tried but you boys were very quite in there while you were making tunnels out of your beds.

Sunday- Mommy and Daddy said that we would give you 30 minutes to an hour to fall asleep then we would get you out of there. I went in at 30 minutes- neither of you were sleeping- you were making tunnels with your beds- a.k.a. tipping the mattresses out of the bed so that they fell into the center to make a little tepe. Then i thought you were asleep, nope wrong again mom- this time you took apart the air conditioner and used the exterior to play the drums!

Oh, yes, we are still potty training, or trying to.

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