Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Jackson 34 months August 2011

Dear Jackson-

My little guy you are almost three years old and you are getting bigger and smarter every day. You have had a great month (less sleeping challenges) you are happy little guy.

We've had a rough few nights sleeping this week but that is O.K. we have had a lot of fun this month. We said good bye to Auntie Ru and when we look at photos you still want to go visit her. Your smile Jackson could light up the room and sometimes you use that to your advantage, you smile and you make my heart melt.

While we have been up in NH you had lots of fun. While at Clarke's Trading Post you had a great time on the water boats- you laughed hysterically the entire time we were on there. You also liked the bear show. Today at the beach you swam in the water up to your neck with no reservations, and you enjoyed floating on your back as well- maybe those swimming lessons have paid off? You like to play imaginary things- today you played Mr. Duck and Mr. Goose. Today you also expemlified some great listening skills when we were leaving the park, you listened to mommy and came when I asked you to. You and I made a dragon puppet last night and today we played rocket ship in the water. You seem to love the water and the beach and it is great to see you so happy.

All my love Jackson Reid, You are mommy's sun, moon and stars.
love- Mommy

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