Saturday, January 28, 2012

Shane 39 months- January 28, 2012

Dear Shane-
We are one month into the year 2012 and so far so good. You seem to be enjoying yourself and your surroundings, although you were sick for about a week this month which wasn't fun for anyone.

You continue to like to play and run around and smile, you love to smile. We are working more on listening and having you listen to mommy is a bit of a challenge but we will get there. You have dropped your nap which can make for a grouchy little boy in the afternoon but certainly a tired little boy at night and going to bed is much easier now without your nap.

This month we didn't have any visitors out of the ordinary- Nana comes over on Fridays and Grandpa Bill comes over most Sundays. Grandpa Bill brings doughnuts and you certainly have fun with his visits. We went to a puppet show which was great fun, you had popcorn and enjoyed yourself immensely.

It is a slow news and photo month for mommy, sorry about that buddy. I love you with all of my heart and will write more later.
All my love-

Jackson 39 months

Dear Jackson-
Oh where to start? It has been a quite month here on Payson Road for us and I"m afraid I don't have too much to write about except to say that I love you very very much.

We had a fun month and went to a puppet show and you are becoming bigger every day, becuase we had trouble going to bed at night we have dropped your nap. And that has made things easier at bedtime. You have taken to having a "blankie" and you like carrying around a spoon to scoop things up with, not sure what the whole spoon thing is about but none the less when you are at home you like to  play with a spoon.

You are getting better with your colors and love playing stickers. You made a BEAUTIFUL sticker picture for me this week that has a rainbow sticker on it and you continue to point out the rainbow to everyone that sees it. Your smile lights up the room and you are a good little helper. While you a good helper you and your brother are starting to fight a bit more but I guess that is natural. You still like talking on the phone and now we can facetime with your cousins so taht  is fun.

You are a fun little guys Jackson Reid and I love you will all of my heart.
I'll write more later,
Love- Mommy

Friday, January 20, 2012

New Year Resolutions

Jackson and Shane brought home some papers from school this week titled New Year Resolutions. There was a section for teacher guided and independent ideas.
Jackson's form: Independent ideas- "Daddy buys a bird for my bird house"; I think he is referencing the bird house that he wants to build for his daddy. He is fixated on this bird house!
Shane's form: Teacher guided resolution: Use the potty!- Yes, we like this one!
Independent ideas: I want to paint a dinosaur- I think we can help with this resolution.

Cute ideas and certainly something for us to work towards to with the boys.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


We finally had some snow yesterday here in Boston. We are not complaining at all- it is mid- January and we have not had a blizzard yet, we are very lucky! But when you are three years old, snow is a good no, a great thing!

We woke up to snow and Jackson and Shane were very excited about it, they wanted to go out and play in the snow right away ( there was only about 2 inches on the ground). They walked to school in the snow- yes, walked all the way to school. But when school was over it was raining and the snow melted. Jackson greeted me at the door last night  saying" Come look at the back garden mommy". The Snow is GONE- I want to make a snowman, come back snow, come back snow and he started to cry. This morning he woke up asking for snow again! I"m sure we will get our share of snow and he will have plenty of time to make snow man but it was kind of cute that he was crying b/c the snow was gone.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

It's o.k. mommy

During the weekend we went grocery shopping. The boys like to pick out their own Juice and at Target they picked up the container of Juice and SPLAT- someone dropped it and the container broke. Enter clean up crew to mop the floor, apologies were said.

Grocery store- Jackson picks up the juice and SPLAT drops the container of juice all over the floor. Enter the clean up crew to mop the floor, apologies were said.

At home- putting the groceries away- of course the boys were "helping" Pick up the juice container: SPLAT all over the kitchen floor. Enter the clean up crew: Mommy- who asks the boys to please stand back while Jackson goes to get the mop yelling- I'll help mommy. Shane, he just stands there with his hands on his hips saying: "It's O.K. mommy, it happens, it's O.K." and shakes his head...............:-)

Monday, January 16, 2012


No naps are going o.k. it is a lot to keep everyone busy but we are getting there. Shane and Jackson like to watch a show called Calliou- he is a 4 year old bald little boy and there is an episode that Calliou wants to build something for his daddy. Last night when we were going to bed Jackson wanted to walk daddy out and shut the gate for him. He then proceeded to yell down stairs:
"Daddy - you there"
yes buddy-
I want to build a bird house with you, you buy some wood- big wood.
O.K. buddy- we'll build a bird house.
Jackson goes back into his room.
Both Shane and Jackson proceeded to continue to run out to the gate and yell down to daddy about the wood and colors they wanted to paint the bird house. Once in a while they would ask mommy what color she wanted- I wanted orange. So of course they yelled down to daddy to get orange paint.

It was a cute rambling session.
Yesterday at the indoor play gym a little boy got hit by a cozy coupe that Jackson was driving. Jackson immediately got out and said I sorry, you O.K.? Shane went and got the little boy a toy to make him feel better.

It's cold here in Boston and no school today so it will be another day at the indoor play gym with Trish. We just registered for music lessons and need to also register for swim lessons when they open up.
Napping- we are getting through the day and for the most part getting through the night with a few wake ups. But this morning around 5 am Shane crawled into bed with us and I didn't even notice. So being woken is the key to get the boys back into their own beds. The sleep saga continues.....................

We visited the Arlington Family Connection this weekend and attended a puppet show! What a great time, the boys enjoyed the show but i think enjoyed their popcorn more.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Day 3 no nap

We are making progress- the melt downs continue and the screaming at night continue BUT Jackson slept until 4:15 am. Now at 4:15 he was ready to go and we "exchanged words" quite a bit about books and going down stairs but eventually he went back to sleep. Shane ended up sleeping in mommy and daddy's bed which wasn't too good but we are getting there. Mommy is a bit tired this morning at work but the boys were fine when the officially "woke up" at 6:30 this morning. One day at a time.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Day 2 no Nap

CRAZINESS in the afternoon! Of course the boys were good for Trish, they pee on the potty, follow directions, listen etc. but as I have mentioned before not so much for mommy- especially when there is no nap involved. Yesterday we screamed on the potty for a good 15 minutes but in the end Jackson was successful. There was a lot of not listening, playing in the front hall down by the front door and by 6:30 I had to resort to the television- we watched lullaby's on Sprout- so they were watching puppets sing songs- i think it was pretty harmless. We had tears actually going up the stairs- Jackson had to go into the dryer and find his spider man t-shirt- how did he do this? By sticking his little head into the dryer and throwing clothes out behind him one piece at time until he found what he was looking for. Shane also decided to jump on the band wagon and look for some snappies. Once we got up stairs bed time was O.K. we read stories and they went to sleep. Jackson only woke up 3 times last night- we are making progress!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Saying good bye to the nap

Mommy's posts have been limited as Jackson and Shane have not been sleeping through the night. So we have decided to DROP your naps. Yesterday was day 1 and so far so good. Last night you both woke up only once and you slept until 6am! Yeah. We'll see how the week goes and how you do in school.

You guys have been getting up 3 and 4 times per night and mommy is having a hard time focusing at work and getting through the day so we will see how this NO naps things go. I love you guys and sleep tight we'll see how today and tomorrow goes.
Love ya- mommy!

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