Monday, January 16, 2012


No naps are going o.k. it is a lot to keep everyone busy but we are getting there. Shane and Jackson like to watch a show called Calliou- he is a 4 year old bald little boy and there is an episode that Calliou wants to build something for his daddy. Last night when we were going to bed Jackson wanted to walk daddy out and shut the gate for him. He then proceeded to yell down stairs:
"Daddy - you there"
yes buddy-
I want to build a bird house with you, you buy some wood- big wood.
O.K. buddy- we'll build a bird house.
Jackson goes back into his room.
Both Shane and Jackson proceeded to continue to run out to the gate and yell down to daddy about the wood and colors they wanted to paint the bird house. Once in a while they would ask mommy what color she wanted- I wanted orange. So of course they yelled down to daddy to get orange paint.

It was a cute rambling session.
Yesterday at the indoor play gym a little boy got hit by a cozy coupe that Jackson was driving. Jackson immediately got out and said I sorry, you O.K.? Shane went and got the little boy a toy to make him feel better.

It's cold here in Boston and no school today so it will be another day at the indoor play gym with Trish. We just registered for music lessons and need to also register for swim lessons when they open up.
Napping- we are getting through the day and for the most part getting through the night with a few wake ups. But this morning around 5 am Shane crawled into bed with us and I didn't even notice. So being woken is the key to get the boys back into their own beds. The sleep saga continues.....................

We visited the Arlington Family Connection this weekend and attended a puppet show! What a great time, the boys enjoyed the show but i think enjoyed their popcorn more.

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