Saturday, January 28, 2012

Shane 39 months- January 28, 2012

Dear Shane-
We are one month into the year 2012 and so far so good. You seem to be enjoying yourself and your surroundings, although you were sick for about a week this month which wasn't fun for anyone.

You continue to like to play and run around and smile, you love to smile. We are working more on listening and having you listen to mommy is a bit of a challenge but we will get there. You have dropped your nap which can make for a grouchy little boy in the afternoon but certainly a tired little boy at night and going to bed is much easier now without your nap.

This month we didn't have any visitors out of the ordinary- Nana comes over on Fridays and Grandpa Bill comes over most Sundays. Grandpa Bill brings doughnuts and you certainly have fun with his visits. We went to a puppet show which was great fun, you had popcorn and enjoyed yourself immensely.

It is a slow news and photo month for mommy, sorry about that buddy. I love you with all of my heart and will write more later.
All my love-

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