Tuesday, January 17, 2012

It happens............it's o.k. mommy

During the weekend we went grocery shopping. The boys like to pick out their own Juice and at Target they picked up the container of Juice and SPLAT- someone dropped it and the container broke. Enter clean up crew to mop the floor, apologies were said.

Grocery store- Jackson picks up the juice and SPLAT drops the container of juice all over the floor. Enter the clean up crew to mop the floor, apologies were said.

At home- putting the groceries away- of course the boys were "helping" Pick up the juice container: SPLAT all over the kitchen floor. Enter the clean up crew: Mommy- who asks the boys to please stand back while Jackson goes to get the mop yelling- I'll help mommy. Shane, he just stands there with his hands on his hips saying: "It's O.K. mommy, it happens, it's O.K." and shakes his head...............:-)

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