Saturday, January 28, 2012

Jackson 39 months

Dear Jackson-
Oh where to start? It has been a quite month here on Payson Road for us and I"m afraid I don't have too much to write about except to say that I love you very very much.

We had a fun month and went to a puppet show and you are becoming bigger every day, becuase we had trouble going to bed at night we have dropped your nap. And that has made things easier at bedtime. You have taken to having a "blankie" and you like carrying around a spoon to scoop things up with, not sure what the whole spoon thing is about but none the less when you are at home you like to  play with a spoon.

You are getting better with your colors and love playing stickers. You made a BEAUTIFUL sticker picture for me this week that has a rainbow sticker on it and you continue to point out the rainbow to everyone that sees it. Your smile lights up the room and you are a good little helper. While you a good helper you and your brother are starting to fight a bit more but I guess that is natural. You still like talking on the phone and now we can facetime with your cousins so taht  is fun.

You are a fun little guys Jackson Reid and I love you will all of my heart.
I'll write more later,
Love- Mommy

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