CRAZINESS in the afternoon! Of course the boys were good for Trish, they pee on the potty, follow directions, listen etc. but as I have mentioned before not so much for mommy- especially when there is no nap involved. Yesterday we screamed on the potty for a good 15 minutes but in the end Jackson was successful. There was a lot of not listening, playing in the front hall down by the front door and by 6:30 I had to resort to the television- we watched lullaby's on Sprout- so they were watching puppets sing songs- i think it was pretty harmless. We had tears actually going up the stairs- Jackson had to go into the dryer and find his spider man t-shirt- how did he do this? By sticking his little head into the dryer and throwing clothes out behind him one piece at time until he found what he was looking for. Shane also decided to jump on the band wagon and look for some snappies. Once we got up stairs bed time was O.K. we read stories and they went to sleep. Jackson only woke up 3 times last night- we are making progress!
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